Watchman Willie Martin Archive


����� Fw: Still more Blacks in the news

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:03:04 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�������� Burrell Charged For Sandra Purtle's Murder

�������� A Jacksonville man has been charged with

�������� committing capitol murder. Police believe Derrick

�������� Burell killed a McGehee woman after stealing her

�������� car at gunpoint. Sandra Purtle was on her way to

�������� visit her grandson at the time. Her body was

�found behind a vacant house in Sherwood Thursday. Burell was arraigned

�Friday on three other charges including theft and aggravated robbery.

�(reader link)

�� UPDATE: Missing Grandmother Found Dead A grandmother missing

��since Tuesday will not be going home. 54‑year‑old Sandra Purtle

�� disappeared on her way from Jacksonville to McGehee. Her body was

�� found on Thursday behind an abandoned home in Sherwood.

����� CAUGHT: Chad Jackson One of Little Rock's most wanted

����� criminals was finally jailed on Thursday. When Chad Jackson

����� rode into North Little Rock on a Greyhound bus, he had no idea

����� he'd be riding right into hands of waiting officers.

����� It was the trip police have been waiting to take Chad Jackson on

����� for years‑‑the trip to jail. In the last six months, officers have

����� swarmed hotels and neighborhoods looking for Jackson, who

����� they believe was the trigger man in dozens of shootings and

����� robberies. Jackson is now facing charges for murdering Charles

�Raynor in January, along with five other robbery and battery charges.

�More charges are expected to follow.

�Dad Wants Killer Dead: Deli victim's father vows execution push

����� Philip King, the father of Carnegie Deli massacre victim

����� Stephen King (right) wants his son's fugitive killer to get

����� the death penalty because there's no "point of keeping

����� someone like that alive." "In a case like, this when you

����� have deviant sociopath behavior, what's the point of

����� keeping someone like that alive?" The fact is [Sean

�Salley (left)] is a multiple murderer, and he has to atone for that." (reader


�� Shooting caught on on videotape LANCASTER ‑‑ A relatively minor

�� hit‑and‑run crash took a dangerous turn when the driver of the car

�� struck in the collision followed the other fleeing motorist and was

�� shot at, deputies said.The hit‑and‑run driver is described as an 18‑ to

�� 20‑year‑old African‑American man, 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighing 140

�� pounds, with black hair and brown eyes. The other two men were

�� also described as 18‑ to 20‑year‑old African‑American men (reader link)

�� Cincinnati: White truck driver still haunted by black pack

�� attack

�� Robert Stearns, 32, of Louisville, Ky., was delivering glass to a

�� business at 15th Street and Central Avenue in Over‑the‑Rhine April

�� 10 when a group of about 20 young blacks surrounded his truck.

�� When one hopped onto the truck, the crowd roared its approval.

�� Stearns tried to keep them out of the cab, but was pulled out, held

�� down and beaten for about 15 minutes amid racial slurs such as ''Kill

�� whitey!''

�� Two months after being beaten by rioters in Over‑the‑Rhine ‑ a

�� videotaped rampage that has become one of the most enduring

�� images of Cincinnati's days of racial unrest ‑ Robert Stearns wakes

�� up in the middle of the night fighting.

�� The white truck driver who was dragged from his vehicle and

�� beaten by angry young black men at the onset of April's riots told a

�� Hamilton County Juvenile Court judge Friday that he has been so

�� traumatized by the ordeal that he has to take medication to sleep.

� �''My wife won't sleep with me because I wake up fighting,'' the

�� soft‑spoken Stearns testified. ''I didn't think I was going to see my

�� family again. They came at me with fists and hands swinging. I tried

�� to block them, but they dragged me from the truck and beat me on

�� the ground.''


����� Fw: More news you may have missed

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:06:14 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>


��������� $100,000 bond set in police rape case

��������� NORFOLK ‑‑ A former city police officer charged with raping

��������� a 60‑year‑old woman in her own home will be allowed to

��������� post $100,000 bond in exchange for his freedom, a judge ruled

�������� Tuesday. The Judge rejected prosecutors' request to keep

�Officer Robert I. Leek behind bars until his trial. Leek, 31, of the 900 block

�of Providence Road in Chesapeake, was charged Friday with burglary, rape

�and use of a firearm in the commission of rape. When Leek returned for a

�third time ‑‑ in the middle of the night through the back window ‑‑ the

�officer raped the woman and restrained her with duct tape, prosecutors

�said. Leek grabbed his gun during the assault, they said, and stuck it in her

�mouth. [reader comments] "Don't be fooled by a uniform"

�� Lawsuit Challenges Utah Hate Crimes Law

�� Utah's hate crimes statute ‑‑ as weak as it is ‑‑ violates the U.S.

�� Constitution and should be thrown out, a Salt Lake City man argued

�� in a federal lawsuit filed Tuesday. In his suit against the state of Utah,

�� Eric Ward claims that the 1992 law "prohibits legal expressive

�� conduct" and "chill[s] the exercise of free expression as protected by

�� the First Amendment." Ward is asking that a federal judge remove

�� the hate crimes law from the books.

�� UK: six‑year‑old girl's ice cream stolen at gunpoint by black

�� gang

�� A six‑year‑old girl had her ice cream stolen at gunpoint, police have

�� confirmed. The child was with two boys, aged two and four, when

�� they were approached by three youths in Sydenham, south east

�� London, last Friday evening. One of the youths aimed the gun at the

�� girl's head and demanded her ice cream. The boys involved in the

�� theft are described as black and aged between 14 and 18.

�� The Metropolitan Police are appealing for witnesses. Detective

�� Constable Owen Tim said: "The police are treating this investigation

�� seriously as the children are sure they were threatened with a

�� firearm."

�� UK: White teens stabbed in 'racial' Asian gang attack

�� Two 15‑year‑old boys are recovering in hospital after being stabbed

�� by a gang of up to seven men. Police said the attack by Asians on the

�� white teenagers at Bartholomew Road in London's Kentish Town at

�� about 1845BST on Tuesday was being treated as a racial incident. One

�� of the boys was being treated for serious injuries while the other had

�� suffered slight injuries. A Scotland Yard spokesman said: "At this early

�� stage it appears the victims were attacked by a group of up to seven

�� Asian men in their early 20s."


����� Fw: News items you may have missed

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:07:09 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

��� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>



�� (or does the absence of white males on wanted page indicate a

�� genetic inferiority to escape capture by police? ‑ or is it that there are

�� no white people left in Brooklyn? ‑ reader link)

����� Black Intruder Stabs U of Utah Student Amy Quinton

����� At approximately 0016 "Hang up" call was received from

����� the address of occurrence. The SLCPD Dispatch Office

����� called back, as per policy, spoke to a male who claimed

����� the call was a mistake and there were no problems.

����� There were two additional 9‑11 calls from the same

�location. During their conversations it was learned that a MBA had

�entered the apartment, demanded money and stabbed two of the three

�occupants. Amy died as a result of a stab wound. The second victim while

�critical following the injury has recovered. Neither of the two surviving

�witness knew the suspect nor had they seen him before. The suspect is

�Male Black Adult Ref: Reward Bulletin Salt Lake City Police Department

�Ref: More AMY QUINTON web links ‑ (reader link)

������ ‑Top Panther agrees to pay child support. Quanell X, national

������ information minister of the New Black Panther Party, on

������ Tuesday reached an agreement with his former girlfriend to pay

������ her $5,600 in back child support. He drives around in a

������ Navigator and Jaguar, and he can't pay child support.

������ [Reader comments] "Hey, a brotha has gotta keep it goin on."

�� Report Predicts Massive Resistance to Mandatory AIDS Vaccine

�� WASHINGTON ‑ A new report predicts massive resistance to a

�� mandatory AIDS vaccine is coming in the U.S. in the next few years.

�� Millions of parents would refuse to have their children vaccinated by

�� any variation of an HIV/AIDS shot, the Committee to Protect Medical

�� Freedom said at a news conference Wednesday. The paper, titled "If

�� AIDS doesn�t kill you, the AIDS vaccine will,� declared an AIDS

�� vaccine would have HIV in it. (Hal Turner reader link)

�� AIDS Drug Maker Sponsors 'Gay Pride' Promotion

�� (hoping to create more 'customers'?

�� States trade blame over homo cannibal sex offender accused of

���������� killing, cooking boy "Nathaniel Bar‑Jonah", 44, grew up as

���������� David P. Brown. He is suspected of butchering a little boy

���������� and serving the remains in dishes cooked up for his

���������� Montana neighbors. In 1977, again dressed as a policeman,

���������� the 20‑year‑old Brown kidnapped two boys from a movie

���������� theater, ordered them to undress and began strangling

�� them. He was also accused of sexually assaulting three other boys.

�� (Hal Turner link ‑ temp link) [incensed Reader comments] "All those

��network bastards that did all those circus shows on Mathew

�� Shepherd for the Homo's in Amerika where are these BASTARDS on

�� these stories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

�� AFA Calls "Scouts Honor" A Miserable Failure

�� �To trash the Boy Scouts is one thing, but to use taxpayer funds to

�� do it is an outrage.� AFA Pres. Don Wildmon

�� Sodomite Politicians v. Boy Scouts

�� Four out of five Democratic Senators vote against the First

�� Amendment. (reader link)

�� Ref: Kids Get Graphic Instruction In Homosexual Sex ‑ (Hal Turner reader

�� link)

�� Bush nominee backs anti‑gay policies Sexual perverts oppose the

�� nomination of Dr. Wade Horn, former president of the National

�� Fatherhood Initiative

�� Ag department seeks gay, lesbian specialist WASHINGTON ‑‑ The

�� Agriculture Department is advertising for a "gay and lesbian program

�� specialist" who would help improve working conditions for the

�� agency's gay employees. (Ag department?)

�� Gay video publisher claims he is persecuted

�� Gay pastor considers future role in church

�� Israel: Home of Sodom and Gomorrah ‑ Friday's Gay Pride Parade in

������ Tel Aviv celebrates and protests the rights of Israel's homosexual

������ community with a march, concerts, singing and dancing all

�� ����dedicated to this year's theme: Equal love.

����� Gen 19:24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon

�� Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; Isa 3:9

�� The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they

�� declare their sin as Sodom, they hide [it] not. Woe unto their soul!

�� for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.


����� Fw: Bloody Wichita I and II

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:08:14 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

��� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>


������������� Carrs' lawyers to argue that charges be dropped

������������� Judge Rebecca Pilshaw is scheduled to hear arguments

������������� today on whether to drop charges against Reginald and

������������� Jonathan Carr. The Carr brothers, who face the death

������������� penalty, are charged with a combined 113 criminal

������������� counts in Sedgwick County District Court. Most stem

�from Wichita's second December quadruple homicide, in which the

�victims were found on a snowy soccer field. The Carrs are also charged

�with killing a Wichita symphony cellist and robbing another man. (reader

�link) Ref: Bloody Wichita

������ The other quadruple Kansas bloodbatch

������ Attorneys Want Suspect's Statements Supressed

������ Judge Will Decide At Friday Hearing WICHITA, Kan. ‑‑ Lawyers

������ for one of the two men charged with killing four people at

������ Wichita last year say the state should not be allowed to use

������ statements he gave police. The defense said that police did not

�tell Earl Bell II about his constitutional rights ‑‑ and repeatedly denied his

�requests for a lawyer. Bell and Cornelius Oliver (pictured left) are charged

�with capital murder in the deaths of four teenagers at a Wichita duplex

�last December 7. Bell's statements point to Oliver as the shooter ‑‑ and the

�state is seeking the death penalty for him. Prosecutors decided not to seek

�the death penalty against Bell. (reader link)

�������� Sharpton says Jackson smeared the blood of Martin Luther

�������� King Jr. on himself in an effort to gain publicity.

�������� The Rev. Al Sharpton has caused yet another uproar with

�������� comments suggesting he's ready to take on the Rev. Jesse

�������� Jackson for the top leadership spot among African‑Americans.

�������� Sharpton suggested Jackson's time as an activist is passing, and

�revived the story that the longtime civil‑rights leader had smeared the

�blood of Martin Luther King Jr. on himself in an effort to gain publicity.



����� Fw: It's a free country ‑‑ isn't it?

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:09:06 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�� Freedom of Association: "Badge of Hate"

�� Officers Fired for Membership in KKK

�� A U S T I N, June 20 � Two law enforcement officers in Williamson

�� County, Texas, have been fired after it was discovered they were

�� members of the Ku Klux Klan.

�� County Sheriff John Maspero said there was no evidence the two

�� men, Deputy David Gay, 45, and Sgt. Greg Palm, 29, had committed

�� any acts of discrimination or failed to perform their duties, but said

�� membership in the notorious hate group was sufficient reason to

�� dismiss them. Officials said they found out the two men belonged to

�� the Klan after they approached another officer and asked him to join.

�� "We have no complaints that we have documented in reference to

�� either one of them as far as the way they handle their jobs," Maspero

�� said. He insisted, however, that "regardless of how they did their job,

�� the membership, in itself in fact, is enough, as far as I'm concerned as

�� sheriff."

�� The sheriff's office has "no tolerance for discrimination or hatred,"

�� department spokeswoman Tracy Carol said.

�� Gay and Palm were suspended Friday and on Tuesday went before a

�� review board, which voted unanimously to fire them.

�� The sheriff's office said it had not found any other officers involved

�� with the Klan.

�� Their firing came on Juneteenth, the anniversary of the date that

�� Texas slaves learned they had been freed in 1865, two and a half years

�� after the Emancipation Proclamation.

�� ADL attempts to control police departments with vigilante

�� extra‑legal thought‑crime website

�� Black female police officer not criticized for membership in racist

�� organization

�� "African‑American Brotherhood of Southwest Philadelphia. brings her

�� religion to work

�� ‑ claims that she is "vehicle of God".

�� [Reader comments] "Yet Nation of Islam members are sworn

�� members of the force in NYPD and Chicago PD, at the least. Double

�� standards."

�� Freedom of Speech and Assembly Doublespeak:

�� Will allow nationalist to speak if he stays home

�� Freeholders "gamble" on Barrett ‑ (reader link)

�� MORRISTOWN ‑ Morris County freeholders on Tuesday voted to

�� reverse a controversial policy that last year barred white

�� "supremacist" Richard Barrett from staging a Fourth of July rally on

�� the county courthouse grounds. Implicit in the board's reversal,

�� however, was the understanding that if the courthouse lawn were

�� opened to Barrett, he would stay home.

�� New Jersey: County to allow "supremacy" march A white

�� "supremacist" group will be allowed to hold a Fourth of July rally on

�� the steps of the Morris County courthouse in Morristown, the

�� freeholders decided last night, reversing a decision made last year

�� that caused a court battle with the Nationalist Movement.


����� Fw: Black Yardie guns take brief vacation in London

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:09:56 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

How terribly thoughtful of the dear chaps.

�Black Yardie guns take brief vacation in London

London has recorded its first week free of reported Yardie gang shootings

in nearly a year, according to Scotland Yard. In recent months, the level

of "black on black" shootings has been running at nearly one a day in the

capital as gangsters fight it out over crack cocaine territory. Last week

there were no reports of Yardie shootings in London ‑ though the figure

has since risen again to one a day. Police today launched a five‑year

"action plan" against Yardie‑style gangs.


����� Fw: South Africa: Teens smoke dagga, then go on train

����� rampage

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:10:27 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�South Africa: Teens smoke dagga, then go on train rampage Two commuters were killed and

three seriously injured when a knife gang ran amok on a train near Belhar. Monday night's killings

brought to three the number of violent deaths on trains in the past 10 days.

�South Africa: Apartheid schools to be renamed

�South Africa: Mom accuses school of racism after assault

�South Africa: Hospital keeps mum on Congo fever scare

�South Africa: Pupils back to black schools Nelspruit � Blatant racism at a predominantly white

school in Mpumalanga has forced township pupils who aspired to better education back to "all black"



����� Fw: It's Civil War: 174,220 murders in South Africa

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:11:21 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

It's Civil War: 174,220 murders in South Africa between 1994 and

2000� (What's New)

June 18, 2001 ‑‑ The slaughter of civilians has reached civil war proportions in South Africa

now ‑‑ with many warlord‑led gangs countrywide waging all‑out turf wars and attacks against

practically unarmed civilians and an increasingly fearful police force. Since the policy of

apartheid was officially ended by the De Klerk government in 1994, South Africa's murder

rate has risen so dramatically that it has already left 174,220 people dead during the last six

years of the year 2000. The annual average violent death rate, even at the height of the

anti‑apartheid rioting and armed insurgencies, never reached 10,000 deaths a year before


South Africa has in fact now received the dubious distinction of having the highest violent

death rates in the world ‑ with gang‑warfare‑plagued Russia only placing a distant second

place on the murder rankings which were compiled by the Council of Europe and the British

Home Office. (link)

The Council of Europe statistics show that it is 33 times safer for peaceful citizens to live in

any country on the European continent, including in the civil‑war ravaged regions of the

Balkans, than it is for any South African. It's also safer in the United States ‑‑ even though it

has five times the number of well‑armed inhabitants as does South Africa.

From 1994 to 2000, the murder rates in South Africa were as follows:

Eastern Cape�� : 28,804

Free State:������������� 8,511

Gauteng:������������� 39,457

KwaZulu‑Natal:�� 47,071

Mpumalanga:������� 8,097

NorthWest:����������� 9,282

North Cape:��������� 4,000

Northern Prov.���� 6,538

Western Cape:�� 22,460

TOTAL killed:� 174,220 since 1994



As die vryheidsvlam van 'n volk uitgedoof word, bly net 'n ashoop oor.

H.S. van Blerk




����� Fw: Liberian migrant nurse's aide jailed for raping woman

����� patient

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:11:54 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�� Liberian migrant nurse's aide jailed for raping woman patient

�� Victim had to wait 6 yrs. for justice Nurse aide sentenced for sexual

�� assault

�� When the woman awoke in her fourth‑floor room, Wilson was on

�� top of her."He knew she had just taken sleeping pills," said Smith.

�� "And he took advantage of the situation. He penetrated her by

�� committing sexual assault, sexual intercourse without consent."

�� The 36‑year‑old woman has waited nearly six years for justice. She's

�� been tormented by the horror of being sexually assaulted by a nurse's

�� aide while she was a patient at the Eastern Psychiatric Institute

�� David Wilson, 59, got two to four years in prison, plus six years'

�� probation. The case also dragged through the system because Wilson,

�� who is a native of Liberia, feared being executed if he was deported.


����� Fw: Black rapist and murderer of white women cries at

����� sentencing

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:12:30 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Black rapist and murderer of white women cries at sentencing

����� Ynobe Katron Matthews received the death penalty for

����� kidnapping, raping and murdering Carolyn Diane Casey.

����� Matthews is responsible for the brutal deaths of both Casey and

����� Jamie Hart as well as the sexual assaults of at least five other

����� women. Matthews sought out his victims because he enjoyed having

����� power and control over them, and said a death sentence is a

punishment that would fit his crimes.

�� College Station police arrested Matthews last June after he confessed to strangling

�� Casey. DNA obtained after that arrest connected Matthews to Hart�s death, 14 months

�� after her unclothed body was found on a rural road.

�� [Reader comments] "I can not find an news article on this subject, but I remember last

�� year on a T.V. news article here in Dallas, about how male african students at Texas

�� A&M college in College Station, Texas, where this african hunted, were complaining that

�� they were encountering stares and discrimination because of the "African American"

�� serial rapist hunting only the White female college students at the college. Notice that

�� there is no mention in this article of the fact that all the victims were White females, just

�� like the White female victims of the african serial rapist now in my area of Dallas, Texas.

�� Sound like candidates for Texas's new Hate/thought Crime Law? Don't hold your White

�� cracker breath. Here is picture of the african subhuman crying in the background, like all

�� his White female victims did as it sexually tortured them, and like all his White female

�� victims did as they pleaded for their lives."

�� Ref: Ynobe Katron Matthews

�� Ref: Once the fire and smoke were contained the firefighters found a body


����� Fw: A Hidden History Of Yankee Slavery Uncovered

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:13:19 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�� A Hidden History Of Yankee Slavery Uncovered

�� ‑by LEE FOSTER ‑ The Hartford Courant ‑ (reader link)

�� SALEM ‑ Archaeologists excavating a portion of an 18th‑century

�� plantation 2� times larger than Thomas Jefferson's Monticello are

�� unearthing the hidden history of slavery in New England.

�� The 13,000‑acre New Salem Plantation, as it was called by its owner,

�� Col. Samuel Browne of Salem, Mass., operated from 1718 to about

�� 1780. It produced grain, horses, barrel staves and dried meat that

�� were shipped to the Caribbean to trade for molasses and rum.

�� A labor force of about 100 captive Africans cleared the land and

�� produced the goods that earned Browne a fortune.

����������������� The presence of slavery in New England has been

����������������� downplayed or ignored since Connecticut

����������������� outlawed slave labor in the mid‑1800s, according

����������������� to the team of archaeologists and historians

����������������� working on the site. The result has been

����������������� generations of Americans who believe that slavery

�� was limited to cotton plantations in the Deep South, said Warren

�� Perry, an archaeologist from Central Connecticut State University

�� who is directing the Salem dig.

�� "There's a myth of a historic white and free New England," Perry said.

�� "This was to create an idea of moral superiority. Of course it's bull. ...

�� The truth is in the groun


����� Fw: Update on Bloody Wichata

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:14:14 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�� Carr brother�s attorneys ask for delay WICHITA, Kansas, June 15 ‑

�� Attorneys in the case of two brothers accused of killing five people in

�� Wichita last year were back before the judge Friday. REGINALD AND

�� JONATHAN CARR were not present Friday morning as their

�� attorney's were asking for a delay, saying a separate case involving

�� media access to the trail is hindering their defense. Judge Owens said

�� the recent Kansas Supreme Court ruling on the media access issue

�� warrants further discussions because of its impact on the trail. Both

�� sides agreed to continue the motion for two weeks. Judge Owens

�� also granted the defense a two‑week continuance for more discussion

�� on setting the date for the jury trail. The two brothers are accused of

�� kidnapping and killing five people in Wichita last December. (reader)

�� Supreme Court Rules on KWCH, Eagle Case KWCH Jun 13, 2001

�� (reader link)

���������������� A district court judge must allow the media to

���������������� intervene in the case of two accused of killing five

���������������� people, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled today. The

���������������� court said The Wichita Eagle and KWCH TV must

���������������� be allowed to challenge District Judge Clark Owens'

���������������� decision to seal records normally open to the

�� public. The Supreme Court was not ruling on the merits of the

�� challenge ‑‑ only giving the media organizations the right to

�� intervene.

�� Owens ruled in the cases of Reginald and John Carr. They're accused

�� of abducting five people in December, taking them to a field and

�� shooting them. One victim survived. The brothers also have been

�� charged in another December shooting. That victim died in January.

�� Ref: Bloody Wichita


����� Fw: New You May Have "Missed" (Being Told)

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:15:41 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

����� Twenty‑one year old Cedric Green is led into a Leon County

����� courtroom for his sentencing, Friday in Tallahassee, Fla. Green,

����� who as a 13‑year‑old figured in a tourist murder that made

����� international headlines eight years ago, was sentenced to 12 years

����� in prison Friday for the armed robbery of a grocery store. (AP

����� Photo/Phil Coale) (reader link) Ref: Black boy killer of British tourist

�now faces life sentence as an adult

������������� Community holds vigil for drive‑by shooting victim

������������� WICHITA, Kansas, ‑ Two men (Michael Walker, left and

������������� Jermane Lowe) are in jail for the drive‑by shooting

������������� death of 16‑month‑old Lexus Mathis as the community

������������� holds a vigil for the young victim. Police say both of the

������������� suspects arrested have gang affiliations. (reader link)

�� International troops unite in Texas, NM to train for missile defense

�� The Roving Sands exercise involves all branches of the U.S. military

�� and troops from Canada, Germany, England and the Netherlands.

�� 15,000 soldiers converge in desert for war simulation ‑ concerns that

�� European troops and equipment might bring foot‑and‑mouth disease.

�� (reader) (concern that soldiers from England will not rape any more

�� Dutch soldiers)

������ Ex‑mayor Milan gets maximum ‑ seven years in prison

������ Although he made his first public apology for the crimes he

������ committed against the citizens of this impoverished city, former

������ Camden Mayor Milton Milan was sentenced yesterday to federal

������ prison for the next seven years and three months.

������ In imposing the sentence, the maximum under federal

�guidelines, U.S. District Court Judge Joel A. Pisano said that Milan

�allowed himself to become seduced by the trappings of public office and

�violated the oath he took to serve the 79,000 residents of Camden with

�honesty and integrity. The former mayor was convicted in December of

�accepting payoffs from organized crime, soliciting bribes and free home

�renovations from city vendors, skimming money from a political‑action

�committee, and laundering drug money.

�Currently, Milan is being held in the federal prison where he shares a cell

�with another inmate.

�He works as an orderly, and is responsible for cleaning bathroom and

�kitchen areas as well as floors and windows. It is quite different from the

�days when Milan rode around Camden atop his black motorcycle, saying

�he had done nothing wrong, that he was being singled out because of his

�ethnicity, and that he was confident his name would be cleared. (reader link)

�� Ref: Milton Milan, Mayor of the City of Camden

�� He is Camden's first mayor of Hispanic origin. He was elected by

�� popular majority on May 13, 1997. He was sworn into office on July 1,

�� 1997.

�� UK: Cultural Enrichment from African migrants: Illegal 'bushmeat'

�� traders jailed

�� Bushmeat is on open sale in some shops Two shopkeepers

�� have each been jailed for four months for smuggling

�� endangered animals into Britain as part of an illegal

�� "bushmeat" trade. Mobolaji Osakuade, 40, and his

�� 35‑year‑old live‑in girlfriend Rose Kinnane received the

�� prison sentences at the Old Bailey in London on Friday morning after

�� being convicted by a jury three weeks ago.

�� "He said he needed the left hand, heart and head of a monkey to

�� prepare a traditional meal for his uncle. (reader link)

�� Reparations? Diplomats Hold Slaves ‑ in U.S. NEW YORK ‑

�� Thousands of foreign domestic workers ‑ typically women who work

�� for diplomats, the United Nations, the World Bank, and foreign

�� business people ‑ have virtually no recourse to slave‑like conditions

�� from their employers, a report by the Human Rights Watch says.

�� (NewsMax reader)

�� Sudanese migrant dies in dispute over parking with Hispanic

�� NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) Ring Paulino Deng survived civil war in his

�� native Sudan, four years of slavery and an arduous escape that

�� eventually took him on a 6,400‑mile journey to the United States. He

�� died at age 19 with a knife in his chest outside the Nashville

�� apartment where he had settled, the victim of an argument over a

�� parking dispute.

�� Witnesses said there were at least 10 people involved in the melee.

�� One of them, Raul Gonzalez Silva, 17, told police he stabbed Deng

�� after Deng struck him in the head with a beer bottle. Silva is charged

�� with criminal homicide in Deng's death.

�� Hispanic Sex offender charged with fondling two 5‑year‑old girls he

�� was babysitting

�� Convicted in New York of sexual battery on a minor, he is accused of

�� molesting two New Port Richey 5‑year‑olds. A Holiday man who

�� spent time in prison in New York a decade ago for sexual battery on a

�� minor was arrested Thursday afternoon on charges of molesting two

�� 5‑year‑old girls, the Sheriff's Office said. Alfonso Morales, 53, of 4348

�� Plaza Drive, Apt. 205, is facing charges of lewd and lascivious

�� molestation of a child. On two separate occasions, he made improper

�� contact with two 5‑year‑old girls in New Port Richey whom he

� �apparently was babysitting.

�� Tulare County sheriff's deputies are searching for two Hispanic

�� women between 20 and 30 years old and two Hispanic men in their

�� early 20s in connection with the alleged shooting.

�� Criminal Mexican Border survivors rewarded with apartments, jobs

�� They settled into their Phoenix apartment and they got ready for

�� their first day of work as legal immigrants in the United States. Today

�� was expected to be the first full day of freedom for 11 surviving

�� border crossers who are considered key witnesses in the trial against

�� the man accused of smuggling them, said Phil Noland, the attorney

�� for two of them. (reader link)

�� Jamaican migrant drug enforcer convicted for using 'organic silencer'

���� ��������In what lawyers say is a legal first, a federal jury in

������������� Hartford convicted a reputed drug enforcer Friday of

������������� using a potato as a silencer ‑ a crime carrying a

������������� mandatory 25‑year prison sentence. Alpha McQueen, 30,

�� who witnesses say boasted of being a hired killer in his native

�� Jamaica, was convicted of conspiracy to distribute marijuana and

�� using a gun equipped with a silencer in a drug crime. (reader link)

�� Fresno Clerk shoots at Afro‑american robber

�� A black man robbed Golden State Market south of Fresno, but he had

�� to run for his life when the clerk began shooting at him, the Fresno

�� County Sheriff's Department reported Friday. The clerk fired three or

�� four rounds, but didn't hit the suspect, who fled in a car with an

�� undisclosed amount of cash from the market at 3269 S. Golden State

�� Blvd., said Lt. Colleen Mestas.

�� The suspect was African‑American, about 6 feet tall and 175 pounds.

�� He wore a black shirt, black pants, black stocking cap, black baseball

�� cap and held a .45‑caliber automatic handgun. He drove away in a

�� black Ford vehicle.

�� "Monkey Man"? strikes in Dallas ‑ Women attacked by man who bites

�� and licks

�� 13 cases reported in downtown area

�� (no description of suspect ‑ so Dallas Times likely suppressing race)

�� (reader link)


����� Fw: Cincinnati: Black‑on‑black crime targeted

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:17:20 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

To: [email protected] ;

������ Ex‑NBA player accuses `racist' lover He charges that she

������ poisoned their son's mind OTTAWA ‑ Former Vancouver

������ Grizzlies basketballer Theodore ``Blue'' Edwards has lashed out

������ at his former lover, accusing her of poisoning their 4‑year‑old

������ son's mind with racist ideas. ``He was told that black people are

������ dirty,'' said Edwards, now retired from pro basketball. ``Black

�people are mean. I asked him: `How do you know that?' And he said his

�mother, Kim, told him that.'' Kimberly Van de Perre, who is white and

�determined to raise Elijah in B.C., denied she is a racist. (reader link)

�� Top court set to decide custody of mixed‑race boy


����� Fw: Let me count the pleasures of diversity...

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:18:04 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�� Colombian migrant rapes little girls at wife's day care

�� A Revere man has been charged with raping two small sisters in the

�� family day‑care center that his wife ran out of their home. Jaime

�� Rincon, 56, a Colombian citizen, was arrested Tuesday night after he

�� allegedly confessed to police that he had sexually assaulted the two

�� girls, aged 5 and 6, on numerous occasions since June of last year.

�� Rincon, who was listed as an assistant in his wife's day care and also

�� worked as an airport shuttle bus driver, was charged with two

�� counts of rape of a child and two counts of indecent assault and

�� battery on a child. [Reader alt headline]

�� "Mestizo Baby Raper ‑ Mestizo rapes children in his care ‑ depraved

�� beast!"

�� Negro Held In Pa. With Gun of Slain Metro Officer Marlon Morales

�� Serial Numbers Match, Police Source Says (reader link)

�� Texas: Perry signs bills banning profiling, setting standards for legal

�� defense

�� (Blacks and Mexicans will now be presumed innocent and never

�� stopped by police) (reader


����� Fw: Strange, they don't quote his note: "Jist kill all dem

����� white kidz"

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:18:50 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Strange, they don't quote his note: "Jist kill all dem white kidz"

������ Murphy Claims Innocence in Shifflett Murder

������ Wearing shackles and reading from handwritten

������ notes, Gregory D. Murphy declared his innocence in

������ an Alexandria courtroom today, insisting he didn't

������ stab 8‑year‑old Kevin Shifflett to death or injure the

������ two women who tried to save the child. "I didn't do

�this crime," Murphy, 30, told Circuit Judge Alfred D. Swersky. "I didn't do

�capital murder and malicious woundings." He said his attorneys were

�"racist and trying to frame me" (reader link)

�� Black boy killer of British tourist now faces life sentence as an adult

�� A black American boy who who took part in the killing of a British

�� tourist eight years ago is now an adult facing a possible life sentence.

�� Cedric Green was 13 when Gary Colley, from Bradford, West

�� Yorkshire, was fatally shot at a Florida highway rest stop in

�� September 1993. Green is now 21 and he is due to be sentenced for

�� the armed robbery of a Tallahassee grocery store in July 1999. Green

�� pleaded no contest to being an accessory after the fact in the Colley

�� shooting and was sentenced to 50 hours of community service. He

�� spent seven months in a juvenile facility for an unrelated car theft.

������ Sexual assault suspect says Cop Killed An 'Innocent Man'

������ Officer‑Involved Shooting Case Of Mistaken Identity? Antonio

������ Saldivar, 18, was killed during a confrontation with Huntington

������ Beach police officer Mark Wersching on May 5. Saldivar, a day

������ laborer, allegedly was spotted crouching behind a parked pickup

���� ��truck in possession of what appeared to be a rifle. Wersching

�ordered Saldivar in both Spanish and English to drop his weapon. Instead,

�the man reportedly raised the rifle and took aim at the policeman, who

�opened fire.

�� Brigido Mendez (pictured at left) says no. He's told authorities that

�� he was the one whom Officer Wersching chased after being

�� spotted snooping around parked cars. Ironically, Wersching was

�� the officer who arrested Mendez on May 19 after identifying him

�� as a known gang member wanted for alleged sexual battery.

�� When Wersching stopped the suspect, the officer allegedly

�� received a verbal lashing and several threats, with Mendez

�� reportedly telling him, "I'll kill you! You killed an innocent man!

�� I was the one being chased that night, not Antonio!"


����� Fw: African hunter‑gatherers adapt to Western culture

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:19:31 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: African hunter‑gatherers adapt to Western culture

�� African hunter‑gatherers adapt to Western culture: Two rob Canton

�� bank branch

�� Authorities describe the gunman as a black male in his mid‑20s, 6 feet

�� tall and weighing 180 pounds. He wore black pants, a dark Polo sweat

�� shirt turned inside out and leather gloves. His accomplice wore black

�� pants and a black sweat shirt and was described as a younger

�� African‑American. [Reader comments] "Ohio negroes earn their daily

�� bread."

����� Jungle Drums: Newport Beach Law Liable To Rankle Rodman

����� City Council Puts Noise Polluters On Notice NEWPORT BEACH,

����� Calif. ‑‑ Ex‑basketballer Dennis Rodman was nowhere to be seen

����� as the Newport Beach City Council unanimously approved a

����� stricter noise abatement ordinance that Rodman vehemently

����� opposes. By a 6‑0 vote, the council passed the amended ordinance

�into law, putting noise polluters on notice that stiffer penalties are in

�store for those who don't keep their boom boxes turned down. The new

�law proscribes "unreasonable, unnecessary, or disturbing" noise, such as

�"yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling, singing, or playing musical

�instruments" that might adversely impact neighbors. Rodman has raised

�the issue of excess noise to the fore of public debate in Newport Beach

�with his slew of citations for loud music and raucous parties.

�� A handful of AIDS and African advocacy groups are demanding that

�� Andrew Natsios, the head of the U.S. Agency for International

�� Development, be fired for suggesting that some in Africa don't pay

�� attention to or understand Western means of telling time (reader

�� New York City: Woman Critical After Mugging by Black Man (temp

�� link)

�� An East New York woman leaving home for her job as a home care

�� attendant early yesterday was badly beaten by a mugger who snuck

�� up from behind and clubbed her with a wooden weapon, police said.

�� (example of primitive African hunter‑gatherer culture)

�� Helena Miller, 34, was listed in critical condition at Brookdale

�� Hospital with what police described as serious brain injuries suffered

�� in the 5:30 a.m. attack. Police said Miller had moments earlier

�� stepped out of her New Jersey Avenue home to head to her job in

�� Far Rockaway.

�� As she headed up the block the attacker‑described by witnesses as a

�� black man in his 30s, 6 feet tall, 180 pounds and wearing a tan

�� T‑shirt, sneakers and light‑colored nylon pants‑struck her with the

�� wood object. The attacker swung the object several times before

�� fleeing with the woman's pocketbook.

�� [Reader reports that] "The New York Post also ran the story,

�� being very careful not to mention that the thug was a negro."


�� "It takes a village" Prosecutor Says Mother Killed Baby Over Crying

�� Dakerra Minor's life was cut short at just 39 days; that much is clear.

�� Now, as her mother stands accused of second‑degree murder, a jury

�� must decide whether she killed the infant in a rage over her crying or

�� whether Akiba Coleman is the 'victim' who inflicted a blow so

�� powerful that it left a two‑inch crack on Dakerra's skull, killing her.

�� (reader)

��The Sex Slaves from Mexico ‑ Teenagers tell of forced prostitution by

�� Mexican pimps Maria Isabel Chalanda Pio was 15, a virgin and eager

�� to earn dollars for her family when she left for Miami from her

�� hometown of Santiago Tuxtla in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz,

�� Mexico. She came back raped, abused and pregnant after being forced

�� into sexual slavery by a family of immigrant smugglers from her own

�� town.

�� Some pre‑teens ‑‑ were forced to have sex with an endless series of

�� migrant field workers. [Reader comments] "More evidence of the

�� depravity of mestizos."


����� Fw: "Divesity is our strength"

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:20:26 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: "Divesity is our strength"

�� Parole break for homo rape murderer Queer killer Sam Manzie,

�� convicted of strangling an 11‑year‑old boy Eddie Werner

�� (pictured at right), is among dozens of convicted murderers

�� who will be eligible for early parole under a state Supreme

�� Court ruling Wednesday.

�� The father of the murdered boy, Eddie Werner Sr., said of

�� Manzie: "He's a rapist and a murderer. The justices should

�� take into account the fact that they could put a rapist and murderer

�� back on the street. . . . This is not a good day."

�� Priest, confession's sanctity on trial in France Bishop charged with

�� not revealing clergyman's sexual assaults on boys. Pican, a bishop

�� from the nearby town of Bayeux, admits he knew about sexual

�� assault of teenagers by one of his priests. The priest, Rene Bissey, has

�� been jailed since October after he was convicted of abusing several

�� minors. Pican's lawyers say he lawfully kept the priest's deeds secret.

�� Logan Gymnastics Coach Charged With Sex Abuse A Cache County

�� private gymnastics coach was charged Wednesday with sexually

�� abusing an early‑teen student over several years. Jeena C. Nilson, 34,

�� of Logan, was charged with aggravated sexual abuse of a child and

�� five counts of sodomy of a child

�������� Accused Child Rapist Arrested

�������� Man Allegedly Rapes 12‑Year‑Old Runaway

�������� TIGARD, Ore., ‑‑ A 29‑year‑old man is charged with raping a

�������� 12‑year‑old Tigard girl whom he knew. Police say that Terron

�������� Lamont Jones (pictured) raped the girl Saturday at a

�Tigard‑area apartment. Officers arrested Jones after receiving a tip that he

�was visiting the apartment. The alleged victim's parents reported the rape.

�She was apparently a runaway when the crime occurred. Jones, who is a

�transient, is charged with rape, sex abuse and unlawful sexual

�penetration. All charges qualify as Measure 11 crimes and carry maximum

�mandatory sentences. Police believe that Jones may have been involved

�with other girls in the Portland area. Anyone with information on other

�possible sex abuse victims are asked to call Detective Chapman at (503)

�639‑6168, ext. 245.

����� Hispanic Marlon Solano charged with raping 15‑year‑old chat‑line

����� girl OAKLAND PARK ‑‑ Detectives on Wednesday said they have

����� arrested a 33‑year‑old man on charges he sexually assaulted a

����� 15‑year‑old girl he met on a chat line. Solano then drove to the

����� girl�s Miami home and picked her up in the parking lot. He

����� brought her to his Oakland Park apartment on North Dixie

�Highway where he forced himself upon her twice. The girl told

�investigators she begged him not to have sex with her, and even resisted,

�but said he ignored her pleas. The 15‑year‑old also told investigators that

�Solano offered her alcohol, marijuana, and pills but said she refused. (reader


�� The Sex Slaves from Mexico ‑ Teenagers tell of forced prostitution by

�� Mexican pimps Maria Isabel Chalanda Pio was 15, a virgin and eager

�� to earn dollars for her family when she left for Miami from her

�� hometown of Santiago Tuxtla in the Gulf coast state of Veracruz,

�� Mexico. She came back raped, abused and pregnant after being forced

� �into sexual slavery by a family of immigrant smugglers from her own

�� town.

�� Some pre‑teens ‑‑ were forced to have sex with an endless series of

�� migrant field workers. [Reader comments] "More evidence of the

�� depravity of mestizos."

�� Florida fag accused of soliciting boy, 15, in Delray DELRAY

�� BEACH � A man who police say tried to meet a boy for sex after some

�� explicit online conversations was arrested on Monday, the second

�� such arrest in a week.

�� Adrian Parris, 27, of Lauderdale Lakes, began chatting online last

�� month with a Delray Beach detective posing as a 15‑year‑old,

�� according to police. Parris asked to meet the "teenager" on Monday

�� for sex and they agreed to meet in Delray Beach, police said.

�� Delray Beach police have arrested four other men on similar charges

�� in the past three months, including a Pompano Beach man accused

�� last week of communicating with an undercover detective for two

�� months before asking to meet for sex.

�� Support ExxonMobil Over Homo Boycott

�� Oil Giant Boycotted For Refusing Whines Of Radical Homosexual

�� Activists


����� Fw: Is there no end to the 'rich blessings' of Diversity?

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:22:06 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Is there no end to the 'rich blessings' of Diversity?


�� DC: Officer Shot In Head at Metro Stop In District by black male

�� avoiding the fare

�� Transit Policeman Wounded In Confrontation at U Street (reader link)

�� D.C.'s Image Keeps Away Retailers, Study Finds (must be 'racism'

�� suggests reader)

�� Kansas Police seek black rapist in Overland Park attacks

�� Police are searching for Jerome M. Ross, 28, who was charged in a

�� Johnson County warrant with rape, aggravated kidnapping,

�� aggravated burglary and two counts of aggravated robbery. Police

�� said Ross is 5 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 155 to 200 pounds. He is

�� black

�� Detroit Students face trial for rape

�� Victim, 13, testifies that 3 held her down during the assault DETROIT

�� ‑‑ A quiet and generally unemotional 13‑year‑old girl testified for two

�� hours Monday about the day she was allegedly raped inside a Detroit

�� school crawl space as three classmates held her down and a band

�� class practiced in a room nearby. The girl has said Audi Dawson, 15,

�� raped her while three other classmates, including 15‑year‑old

�� Dominique Brown, pinned her down. Dawson and Brown face a

�� possible life sentence if convicted.

�� Dallas: Illegal Honduran alien gets life for raping pregnant

�� woman

�� A man who posed as an apartment maintenance worker received a

�� life sentence last week from the Dallas County jury that convicted

�� him of sexually assaulting a pregnant woman at knifepoint. Omar

�� Alberto Ramirez, 36, whom prosecutors and police call a serial rapist,

�� was found guilty of raping the woman, who was eight months

�� pregnant, July 3 after entering her Dallas apartment by posing as a

�� maintenance worker who needed to check her air conditioner.

�� Testimony showed that DNA tied him to the attack. Prosecutor Alex

�� Zocchi told jurors that Mr. Ramirez was suspected of three rapes on

�� the same day in July. Mr. Ramirez, who records show moved illegally

�� to Dallas from Honduras, has six pending charges ranging from

�� aggravated sexual assault to burglary of a habitation. (reader link ‑ down

�� the page)


����� Fw: Thoughts on Africa

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:24:11 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�� Thoughts on Africa ‑ Culture and Personal Responsibility ‑ by Jim

�� Peron

�� "Today I had one of the most disturbing days of my life. For hours I

�� was horrified at what I had seen. It was an image that will never

�� leave me though it will hopefully fade with time. But I shall come

�� back to that in a moment..."

�� Stomping the Witch Kitten

�� Raping Virgins to Cure AIDS

�� The Race Card

�� Money Down the African Rat Hole

�� Jim Peron is the author of Die, the Beloved Country?, a book

�� exposing the misrule by mismanagement of the African National

�� Congress during its first term of office in South Africa. He recently

�� finished an expose of the Mugabe regime: Zimbabwe: the Death of a

�� Dream. (reader links)

�������������� Thoughts on Africa

������������� Culture and Personal Responsibility

����������������������� by Jim Peron

�� Today I had one of the most disturbing days of my life. For hours I

�� was horrified at what I had seen. It was an image that will never

�� leave me though it will hopefully fade with time. But I shall come

�� back to that in a moment.

�� A few months ago I wrote an article for the European edition of the

�� Wall Street Journal calling for a policy of benign neglect when it

�� came to Africa. I argued that western aid and experts had not been

�� able to help Africa and, instead, have done considerable damage.

�� That article was picked up and shortened versions were published

�� on various web sites including that of the World Bank.

�� Two weeks ago I was invited to have lunch with the local head of a

�� German aid foundation and he mentioned that he had read the

�� article. And he said that he fully agreed with what I said. This is

�� spite of the fact that he�s a member of, as he called it, the aid

�� industry. He then went one step further when he told me of a study

�� that some German academics, all experts on Africa, had written. In

�� the paper, which I�m told is only available in German, they argued

�� hat Africa was structurally undevelopable. They weren�t saying that

�� Africa won�t do the right thing. They were saying that Africa can�t

�� do the right thing.

�� That should get the PC Left shrieking and howling But the longer I

�� live in Africa the more I am convinced that these academics were

�� right. And the problem is not one of race but one of culture. Africa�s

�� culture, even in a country as advanced as South Africa, is one that

�� drags people down. South Africa benefits because it has been

�� heavily Westernized. Western culture dominated for a long time

�� and still is significant here. But African culture is reasserting itself

�� through the ANC government and that bodes ill for the nation's

�� future.

������������������ Stomping the Witch Kitten

�� Let me illustrate my point. Some time ago I watched with horror

�� what happened at a local soccer match. And I�m not talking about

�� the horrendous stampede that happened recently at Ellis Park in

�� Johannesburg. That stampede was, as leading government officials

�� admitted, strongly tied to the African culture. But that was the

�� result of the culture and right now I just want to illustrate some of

�� the premises of the culture. In the soccer match I am referring to, a

�� small kitten wandered onto the pitch while the game was in play.

�� Elsewhere in the world such an action would have been a mild

�� amusement. The game would be temporarily halted and referees

�� and players would try to capture the poor animal and remove it to

�� safety. And one would think that this is what should have

�� happened here as well. The game did stop and players and the

�� eferee did chase the terrified kitten down. Once the referee had the

�� animal captured, he stomped it to death. The reason: it obviously

�� was a witch. I am not making this up. They argued that the cat was

�� there to curse one of the teams and make them lose the game. No

�� one was sure which team was being hexed so everyone joined

�� together to horribly slaughter this kitten.

�� Film crews captured a similar incident in a rural village. A monkey

�� had wandered into the village. This is not unusual. I�ve seen

�� monkeys sitting by the highway frequently. But someone decided

�� the monkey must really be a witch. The entire village banded

�� together to corner the monkey and stone it to death.

�� As awful and barbaric as these incidents are, these are just the tip of

�� the iceberg. Here in South Africa, Africa�s most developed country,

�� some 300 people per year are killed for being witches. That is almost

�� one victim per day. In some areas there are entire villages of people

�� who fled there because they were charged with witchcraft.

������������������ Raping Virgins to Cure AIDS

�� You can walk through any major city and find Muti shops where

�� sangomas (witch doctors) will mix magic potions for you. And it is

�� widely believed that human organs are very powerful magic indeed.

�� It is not uncommon for small children to go missing. When their

�� bodies turn up they have been butchered for muti. In the same

�� communities it is believed that having sex with a virgin girl will

�� cure a man of AIDS. The result of the belief is that young girls are

�� ften raped by men seeking an illusive cure. Both the rapist and his

�� victim are condemned to death by a disease that they simply can

�� not comprehend.

�� There is a widespread perception in Africa that man is impotent to

�� change his own conditions himself. The way to succeed is through

�� muti and spells and magic. Any failures are not your own but rather

�� are due to the curses that others have placed upon you. There is no

�� connection between acts and consequences. Anyone who succeeds

�� has done so through devious means.

�� And that belief is the root of the violent racism that Africans

�� frequently entertain. In Zimbabwe the government blames

�� widespread poverty, not on their own economic policies of

�� socialism, but on a tiny, and shrinking, handful of whites. In

�� Uganda the blame was placed on Indians just as it was not long ago

�� n Kwa‑Zulu Natal here in South Africa. In Cape Town locals went

�� on the rampage attacking other blacks who were refugees in South

�� Africa. They blamed them for the fact that they don�t have jobs.

�� School children recently marched through the streets of

�� Johannesburg. They were upset because students at private schools

�� were doing well while they were failing. They attacked street

�� vendors and hawkers. Their problems were due to the success of

�� other students.

�� And we go right up the office of the Presidency here and find the

�� same culture. The ANC has been destroying the infrastructure of

�� South Africa for eight years. Crime is so bad that the government

�� has embargoed crime statistics because they say they damage the

�� reputation of the ruling party. Taxes have skyrocketed and yet we

�� have no real emergency services left. And yet the ANC can not, and

�� will not, see that these are the natural results of bad policy

�� decisions on their part.

����������������������� The Race Card

�� Instead they have blamed a mysterious and unnamed �Third

�� Force�. They have whipped up anti‑White racism among their

�� supporters. Recently Tony Leon, the head of the Opposition Party,

�� married an Israeli. A top ANC official, in a heavily Muslim area, told

��� the public that Leon�s new wife was a Mossad agent.

�� In Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe has claimed that he is being targeted

�� by a conspiracy of gays � the same gays who, he says, control the

�� British government. This must have been quite a shock for Mrs.

�� Blair. One of his brown‑shirts, a leader of the so‑called �war

�� veterans�, explained that the flooding a year ago in Zimbabwe was

�� the direct result of a US plot. It seems the US has submarines in the

�� Indian ocean that shot off a missile which caused the hurricane that

�� brought the rains that flooded the country. Mozambique was

�� specially heavily hit by the floods and this �war veteran� argued

�� that was because the US wanted to station troops there so they

�� could eventually invade Zimbabwe � as if anyone would want that

�� country anymore.

�� When the South African government recently announced a new

�� law to nationalize all mineral resources in the country there was

�� wide spread condemnation of the move. One of the first pieces

�� published on the bill was a piece I did for the Wall Street Journal.

�� Instead of realizing that they were making a mistake, the ANC

�� claimed that the opposition was being orchestrated by a conspiracy

�� of the big mining houses. For the record I�m still waiting for a

�� cheque from DeBeer�s, Anglo‑America, et al. The Minister in charge

�� warned that opposition to the bill might �backfire� though she was

�� ot specific as to what she was threatening.

�� The government here has decided that it didn�t want to do much

�� about AIDS. A top adviser to President Mbeki argued that giving

�� anti‑AIDS medicines to pregnant woman who were HIV+ would be

�� counterproductive. This would save the lives of their babies and

�� that would just been more orphans. So the government, with the

�� President leading the chorus, launched into a conspiracy theory that

�� would make Robert Welch and Lyndon LaRouche look like

�� amateurs. The Minister of Health distributed literature arguing that

�� AIDS was a plot perpetrated by the Illuminati conspiracy. The

�� material she distributed came from a book that somehow tied

�� extra‑terrestial aliens into the problem as well.

��������������� Money Down the African Rat Hole

�� And so we watch a continent that never manages to succeed and

�� the West continues to pour aid down this rat hole. Millions of

�� people believe that wealth is not created but stolen. And bad results

�� are due to curses and witches. Actions do not have consequences

�� since we live in a world ruled by these mystical forces. The way to

�� succeed is to hire the services of a sangoma. Governments routinely

�� plunder their people, impose outmoded Marxist theories, slaughter

�� their opponents and blame all their problems on an endless litany of

�� culprits: apartheid, colonialism, capitalism, globalization, racism,

�� ays, England, the Illuminati, the US government, witches, ad

�� infinitum.

�� And that brings me back to the horrific sight I witnessed this

��afternoon. I was driving on the highway between Johannesburg

�� and Pretoria. This is one of the busiest, largest highways in the

�� country. In many sections it has four lanes going each direction and

�� is usually at least three lanes on each side.

�� Traffic was heavy as usual. But this time it was worse. Traffic was

�� irtually at a stand still. A best we would creep along. I couldn�t see

�� what was the problem. I was in the far right lane and cars were

�� slowly moving toward the left. After half an hour of crawling I could

�� see traffic police directing everyone to the far left lanes. If any

�� vehicle had been in accident I couldn�t see it. There was no broken

�� glass on the pavement. There was nothing that gave the impression

�� that an accident had taken place.

�� A police car blocked my lane and I had to pass in on the left. I was

�� reeping along so I could see everything. As I crept past the police car

�� I could see something in front of the vehicle. At first all I saw was a

�� shoe but as I moved forward I could see more and more. There was

�� obviously a leg so I assumed someone had tried to run across the

�� highway and had been hit � this is so frequent a problem the

�� government runs commercials about in on television.

�� I saw the leg. The pants were ripped to shreds and it appeared the

�� person was dead. A blanket was half thrown on top. As I followed

�� the leg up the body my stomach started churning. There was no

�� body attached. The entire leg was torn off the body from just below

�� the hip. I suddenly felt as if I had been thrust into a war zone. I felt

�� like vomiting. What I saw was something I had never thought I

�� would see in my lifetime and something I never want to see again.

�� What would possess someone to try to run across eight lanes of high

�� speed, heavy traffic? And why is it so common that it warrants

�� television commercials?

�� And this is third incident I�ve seen in the last few weeks. Recently I

�� took a friend to the airport. Again this is an eight lane highway. On

�� the way home there was a police car parked in one of the lanes

�� with his lights going. As I passed by I saw a body lying in the road. It

�� would probably lie there for a few hours before they could find a

�� vehicle to take it to the morgue. Four days later I was headed back

�� to the airport to pick up my friend.

�� As I pulled out of the driveway I stopped. My road is one of the

�� busiest in the areas and you simply don�t pull out without looking

�� both ways. A car was coming from my right and as it passed it in

�� front of me I could see that no cars were behind it but a line of cars

�� were coming from the opposite direction so it wouldn�t be safe to

�� pull out yet. As I watched the traffic coming from the left I was

�� shocked to watch a man, one of the squatters who regularly set up

�� camp in the sports field next door with impunity, run right out in

�� front of traffic. The car plowed into him and he was flung through

�� the air like a rag doll. He hit the front of the car and then flew into

�� the windshield, smashing it, before bouncing off and landing on the

�� pavement. From the position of his body it was clear that he was

�� dead.

�� I rushed in and called emergency services and then went out to see

�� if the driver was fine. He had glass in one eye but otherwise was in

�� a state of shock. I waited until a traffic officer arrived and gave him

�� a statement. It was routine for him as he had seen it many, many

�� times before. All of us who drive here have seen it � for some

�� unexplained reason people just walk into traffic without bothering

�� to look. I�ve lost track of how many such close calls I�ve had with

�� pedestrians.

�� Is this simply a result of the same African culture? I don�t know. But

�� I can�t help but wonder if this is another result of that idea that

�� permeates Africa � the idea that consequences are outside the

�� control of the individual.

�� Western and Eastern culture, especially Eastern culture, has

�� emphasized the necessity of taking responsibility for one�s actions.

�� In Africa, this connection is often missing with horrendous results.

�� Unless the culture changes the continent will remain a mess.

�� And in the West legal theorists should stop and give pause to what

�� this means. Lawsuits that award vast sums of money to people for

�� spilling hot coffee on themselves is the Africanization of the West.

�� Each judgment rewards someone for refusing to take responsibility

�� for themselves. It perpetuates the belief that the individual is at the

�� mercy of forces beyond his control.

�� Culture matters.

�� Jim Peron is the author of Die, the Beloved Country?, a book

�� xposing the misrule by mismanagement of the African National

�� Congress during its first term of office in South Africa. He recently

�� finished an expose of the Mugabe regime: Zimbabwe: the Death of a

�� Dream. He can be contacted at [email protected].


����� Fw: Woman gang‑raped by blacks in two‑hour ordeal

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:25:23 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: UK: Woman gang‑raped by blacks in two‑hour ordeal

��� UK: Woman gang‑raped by blacks in two‑hour ordeal


��� A terrified woman was gang‑raped and repeatedly assaulted in a

��� two‑hour ordeal after three men abducted her from west London.

��� The 25‑year‑old was robbed by the three black men before being

��� shoved into a "tatty" four‑door car and driven to an estate where

��� they took it in turns to rape her.

��� The woman left North Ealing tube station in west London around

��� midnight last Thursday. She walked for about

��� three‑quarters‑of‑a‑mile along Queen's Drive and Noel Road, where

��� the men confronted her.

��� The woman was abducted in the dark‑coloured car and driven along

��� Twyford Avenue before the men pulled into the estate car park and

��� attacked her. She was then driven to Rectory Park on Ruislip Road,

��� Northolt, west London, and was assaulted again.

��� She eventually managed to get to a main road where she called for

��� help at around 2.20am on Friday.

��� Detectives hunting the men said one was possibly mixed race and are

��� appealing for anyone who saw the woman or the men to call Ealing

��� CID on 020 8246 9431. (reader links)

��� Police hunt black rape gang


��� What is going on with black men and gang rapes?


��� UK: Five bailed in black‑on‑black 'Yardie' murder probe



����� Fw: Hominids in the news

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:27:39 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Hominids in the news

��������� Hispanic homo charged in boy's rape and murder

��������� A 36‑year‑old Morristown landscaper was charged Thursday

��������� with the rape and murder of Walter Contreras Valenzuela, the

��������� 10‑year‑old whose battered body was found after he

��������� disappeared from a carnival. Culminating a three‑week

�manhunt, authorities said Porfirio Saravia Jimenez, of Sussex Ave., was

�arrested on charges of murder, aggravated sexual assault, kidnapping, and

�possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes.

�������� Suspect Surrenders To Police

�������� Man Allegedly Fired Shots In Local Store

�������� INDEPENDENCE, Mo., ‑‑ A man who allegedly fired a gun at a

�������� clerk who refused to cash a stolen check turned himself in to

�������� authorities Thursday night, KMBC 9 News reported. Abubakr

�������� T. Abdul, 32, turned himself in at a local station. (reader link)

������ Mugabe Says White Farms Seizure Drive Irreversible HARARE

������(Reuters) ‑ President Robert Mugabe vowed on Friday that his

������ drive to seize white‑owned farms for blacks was irreversible,

������ and rejected criticism that he had pushed Zimbabwe into

������ lawlessness by allowing his supporters to invade the land.

������ Zimbabweans mourn 'national hero' Chenjerai 'Hitler' Hunzvi



� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:28:50 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>


���������� SOUTH AFRICA

���������������� BULLETIN

������������������������������ from the headquarters of the

�������������������������� TRANSVAAL AGRICULTURAL UNION

������������� (TAU � an organised structure for commercial farmers, since 1897)

���������������������� Visit our website�������������� Vol� 3

6 JUNE 2001


A completely traumatized young boy was found naked and bound to a farm fence after his parents had

been shot to death in their bed this week. When found by the police, the boy was too shocked to

speak. His mouth had been stuffed with grass and he was suffering as well from exposure. A daughter

crept into her room while the brutal assault and murder of her parents took place on their farm near

Groblersdal. The fact that the police came quickly after being notified is said to have saved the life of

the young son. Nothing was stolen from the house and both parents had been shot in the head.

The double murder was the third fatal attack of this type to occur within a week. In the Ceres district, a

farmer and his wife were both shot in the head, while a farm couple in King Williamstown, Eastern

Cape were bludgeoned to death with a blunt instrument. Their bodies were only found several days




It is still not quite clear why the SA government placed a moratorium on crime statistics from July

2000. Everyone in South Africa knows crime is out of control. Crime statistics released this week by

the Ministry of Safety and Security show a marked increase in property crimes such as robbery and

theft, while according to the new figures, the murder rate went down. The statistics were however

�unreliable� said Safety and Security Minister Steve Tshwete because his department is busy installing

a new computerized tallying system.

Figures given are based on a number of crimes �per 100,000 of population�. Based on an estimated

population of 42 million, the figures indicate there were more than 20 000 murders in SA last year,

more than 26 000 attempted murders, 95 000 robberies with aggravating circumstances, 50 000

reported rapes (it is said that only around 20% of rapes are ever reported), 260 000 serious assaults

and 239 000 common assaults. More than 298 000 homes and 87 000 businesses were broken into

and more than 96 000 vehicles were stolen. All in all, 2 4 million serious crimes were reported in the

year 2000.

It is reported on the Internet that 96 farmers and their staff were killed and/or tortured to death since

the moratorium came into being in July 2000. This figure is up to May 30, 2001, a total of 10 months

or nearly 10 murders� per month. These figures were garnered from undertakers, church and

community leaders, journalists, residents,� agricultural organizations and insurance companies.


A small tucked‑away report from Rome last week says that disruptions caused by land redistribution

and acquisition politics are �primarily� responsible for an almost one‑third decline in crops planted by

Zimbabwe�s commercial farmers.

Two United Nations food agencies� ‑ the Rome‑based Food and Agriculture Organisation and the

World Food Programme ‑ declared that maize was especially affected with a 54% fall in production.

The Commercial Farmers� Union of Zimbabwe says that production in the 2000‑01 season has fallen to

385 000 tons from the previous 800 000 tons. Overall cereal production for the period April 2001 to

March 2002 was forecast at a 24% drop over the previous year. Zimbabwe, previously one of the

world�s few self‑sustaining countries in agriculture, will now have to import nearly 580,000 tons of

wheat, rice and maize.

As well, the state‑sanctioned seizures of white‑owned farms has now cast doubt on the quality as well

as the quantity of Zimbabwe�s crops. The US‑based Famine Early Warning System Network says a

sharp fall in output means Zimbabwe will run out of maize in January of next year. Is famine on the

cards for Southern Africa?



Nobody converted to capitalism quicker than South Africa�s new communist revolutionary power elite.

Gone is the rhetoric and the poverty of the struggle, replaced by the unashamed and conscience‑free

plunder of South Africa�s taxpayer‑funded fiscus. If it were just over‑used cellphones and padded

expense accounts� it would be bad enough. But palatial mansions and their expensive refurbishing,

Mercedes 4 x 4�s and regular first class overseas trips are now the order of the day for South Africa�s

new mayoral crop.

When it is realized that millions of South Africa�s poor have nothing to eat, have no access to

schooling or even the most basic medicines,� the obscenity of this profligacy beggars description. But

who said the ruling elite came to power to �change the lives of the people�? They are in essence not

much different from those up north who have given Africa a bad name: corruption, cruelty to their own

and the �one man, one vote, once� phenomenon which permits tyrants like Zimbabwe�s Robert Mugabe

to stay in power, are now generic to Africa. Why would it be any different here?


South Africa�s commercial farmers produced more than 10,1 million tons of maize last year. Local

consumption was 7,6 million tons. Grain SA said it was receiving many enquiries from African

countries about South African maize. Ninety‑five percent of� this year�s crop is first grade quality.

Zambian maize growers however expect this year�s crop to be 25% ‑ 30% below the levels of last

year. The limited use of fertilizers and pesticides, a credit crunch and poor marketing have

undermined that country�s ability to sustain production.

Zimbabwe needs 1,8 million tons for its domestic requirements. The country�s deficit is estimated to

be 500,000 tons. Why then does the world stand by while South African farmers are murdered in their

beds? South Africa is the only country in Africa which produces food for export. Will the world step in

to make up food shortfalls if South Africa becomes a deficit‑producing agricultural country like all the



����� Fw: City hall in Seattle suburb riddled with early morning

����� gunshots

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:29:33 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Oh, well, boyz will be boyz.



By Associated Press, 6/6/2001 11:34

BRIER, Wash. (AP) Shots were fired at the unoccupied city hall and police station in an early morning

drive‑by shooting that might be retaliation for a drug raid.

No arrests have been made in Monday's shooting, which investigators in this Seattle suburb say may

be drug and gang related.

''It's fortunate that it was a cowardly drive‑by shooting in the morning,'' Police Chief Gary Minor said.

''Had somebody been around, they very easily could have been killed.''

Minor said a 9 mm gun was used, with bullets penetrating several offices, including the mayor's. In all,

11 shots were fired.

Investigators received information Tuesday that indicated the shooting was in retaliation for a recent

drug raid, Minor said.

''We entered a house and recovered some drugs, and some of the people at this residence are

supposedly associated with a gang,'' he said. ''We ran the gang out of town, and they seem to be a

little upset with us.''

���������������� [ Send this story to a friend | Easy‑print version ]


����� Fw: MORE Blacks in the News (you may have "missed")

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:30:40 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: MORE Blacks in the News (you may have "missed")

����� Rodman had sex with two Gold Club dancers, witness testifies

����� STRIPPER'S TALL ORDER ATLANTA ‑ Former Knick Patrick

����� Ewing received oral sex from a dancer at the Gold Club while the

����� club's owner watched, a former manager of the Atlanta strip joint

����� testified yesterday. Thomas "Ziggy" Sicignano, was expected to

����� wind up his testimony today with details of a long‑term

�relationship Dennis Rodman had with stripper Jacklyn Bush. Ref: Strip

�Club Trial Gets Underway

�Three More Police Attack Suspects Identified

�3 Others Arraigned MondayPORTLAND, June 4, 2001 ‑‑ Three suspects

������������ were arrainged Monday in the attack of two off‑duty

������������ Portland police officers, but three still remain at large.

������������ Investigators say that Ronald Lamont Cunningham, 21,

������������ Tyrone Anthony Thurman, 22, (pictured, left) Domanick

������������ D. Campbell, 23, and others attacked the officers in

������������ retaliation for previous contact between a gang member

�and an officer. Campbell, the third man arrested in the case, arrived in

�court and promptly turned his back on the judge.Three more suspects,

��������������� Jerrin Hickman, Dante Porter, and Damon

��������������� Cunningham (pictured, left) are still at large.

��������������� Ref: 2 Arrested For Attack On Off‑Duty Police

��������������� Someone identified one police officer and threatened

��������������� him. Police say that the officer was then surrounded

��������������� by five to seven men who knocked him unconscious.

�A police officer who came to his aid was stabbed in the back and then hit

�in the face with a beer can.

�� Darkest Africa: Mugabe's men on the run from witchcraft

�� ZIMBABWE'S embattled president, Robert Mugabe, is facing a new

�� crisis: a growing belief among his followers that he and his

�� government have become the victims of black magic, and that bad

�� luck follows them at every turn.

����������������� Although Mugabe is notionally a Catholic, he has

����������������� increasingly fallen back on the tribal religions that

����������������� many Zimbabweans combine to a greater or lesser

����������������� degree with Christianity.

����������������� Mugabe's supporters are vocal in their

����������������� traditionalist beliefs. The war vets have their own

�� spirit medium, Sekuru Mushore, whose dictum is that "those who die

�� killing a white man will have no sin before Jehovah".

�� Mushore has his troubles with the law because he openly insists that

�� using marijuana and having sex with young women are legitimate

�� parts of the rituals he performs. (reader link)

�� Ref: South Africa Grapples With Witch Doctor Traditions

�� 6‑year‑old boy fatally beat his 3‑year‑old African‑named brother with

�� a baseball bat:

�� Rochester police revealed that they suspected that

�� 3‑year‑old Darius Taylor died at his brother's hands. On May

�� 20, police said, Darius threw a stone at his 6‑year‑old brother

�� while they were playing with other kids. The boy retaliated

�� by hitting Darius with a brick and then repeatedly striking

�� him with a wooden bat. (reader link)

�� Ref: Police convinced 6‑year‑old is killer

�� Ref: Mayor backs finding in slaying after the 6‑year‑old ‑‑ who had

�� said he struck his brother ‑‑ used a yardstick to demonstrate how he

�� swung the bat with overhand blows to beat his brother.

�� Another Eight South African Farmers Massacred

�� JOHANNESBURG, South Africa ‑‑ Eight more farmers have been

�� massacred on South African farms over the past three days, bring

�� the total of people murdered in armed attacks on commercial farms

�� since 1994 to a total of 1,108 people, primarily people of

�� Boer‑Voortrekker descent. The latest eight victims all had been

�� unarmed farmers of Boer‑Voortrekker descent whose forebears

�� arrived in South Africa from various European countries 400 years

�� ago.

�� Investigating police officers on the scene all were struck by the

�� similaries of these atacks, saying these couples had been ambushed

�� with military precision ‑ and all were massacred by heavily‑armed

�� young black males armed with AK‑47 military carbines and other

�� military weaponry.

�� The four massacred couples have left behind six orphans. None

�� of the attackers stole anything, police said. (NewsMax reader link)

����������� Doctor who left a curse on Zimbabwe

����������� Mugabe loses key ally as leader of war veterans and scourge of

����������� white farmers dies. Few will mourn the death yesterday of

����������� Chenjerai "Hitler" Hunzvi, the "war veterans" leader who, as

����������� much as Robert Mugabe, spearheaded the invasion of hundreds

����������� of white farms in Zimbabwe and led his supporters to murder

�� with impunity.


����� Fw: Hip‑hop 'nightmare' invasion of Miami Beach

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:31:55 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Hip‑hop 'nightmare' invasion of Miami Beach

�� Hip‑hop 'nightmare' invasion of Miami Beach

�� The holiday influx of rap stars and fans caught the city unprepared ‑‑

�� and conflicted.

�� Some Beach residents described the experience as nothing less than

�� their worst nightmare. Residents, shopkeepers and others

�� complained of closed roads, parking woes and thousands of people

�� spilling onto the streets all night.

�� Miami Beach police arrested 211 people from May 24 through

�� Monday, nearly double the number taken into custody the week

�� before. Most of the arrests were for disorderly conduct and

�� intoxication, police said. The five‑day period saw three shootings

�� resulting in minor wounds, two stabbings, three cases of sexual

�� battery and 15 robberies. (reader link)


����� Fw: Seattle: Black felon attempts dragging death of White

����� police officer

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:32:56 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Seattle: Black felon attempts dragging death of White police


�� Seattle: Black felon attempts dragging death of white police

�� officer ‑ but you won't hear about it on the national media for the next ten

�� years...

�� Police told not to reach into cars, but Seattle officer was dragged after putting arm

�� inside vehicle

�� Neubert, police say, was going after a license that Aaron Roberts, the driver of

�� the Cadillac, had offered and then withdrawn. Roberts, an escaped felon with a

�� history of drug addiction, is believed to have been baiting Neubert.

�� When Neubert, who is white, reached in for the license, police say

�� Roberts, who was black, gunned the Cadillac forward and began

�� dragging the officer along 23rd Avenue near East Union Street. The dragging

� �stopped when Neubert's partner, Craig Price, who is also white, fatally shot

�� Roberts.

�� Another dragging incident in Tacoma caused outrage in the black community

�� similar to that being seen in Seattle.

�� On Jan. 4, 1999, an African‑American man driving at speeds of up to 60

�� mph through Tacoma's Hilltop neighborhood was shot in the head by a

�� police officer who was dangling out the driver's‑side window of the man's

�� car.

�� The officer, John Blair, had approached Kenneth Boyd's vehicle after witnessing a

�� suspected drug deal. Boyd sped away after Blair leaned inside the car.

�� Despite protests from the black community, a police investigation later found

�� that Blair had acted properly in shooting Boyd.

�� The shooting sparked a protest Friday at which Roberts' family and friends

�� and some Central District residents decried his death as another example of

�� police targeting blacks

�� [Reader comments] "The local negroes dare to protest the cops protecting

�� themselves.

�� How much longer do we put up with this?"

There is a bit more to this story.� The next day a group of twenty‑five to thirty Blacks

"demonstrated" by blocking a Seattle street displaying signs such as "Another Black man

killed ‑‑ Does anyone care?" and "SPD [Seattle Police Department] / KKK is there any

difference?"� A White trucker attempting to drive through the area was halted. The Blacks

moved large concrete planters in front of and behind his truck to immobilize it, they also

cut his hydraulic lines and climbed all over his truck using it as a display platform.

The somewhat panicked driver [with visions of Reginald Denny, no doubt, dancing through

his head] called his employer for advice on his cell phone.

His employer in turn called the police.

The police arrive within a few� minutes, but did NOTHING to extricate the driver and his


The driver was held escentially as a HOSTAGE for THREE HOURS with the police looking on

and doing nothing‑‑ala the 'Mardi Gras' riot.� [Actually the mere presence of the police may

well have saved him from at least severe bodily harm]� FINALLY he was bruskly told by the

police to get out there, the barracades were removed and he was directed up a side street.

This street proved too narrow to accomodate his rig and he became stuck. The driver was

subjected to the polices' fury [possibly venting their frustration on him due to the Blacks'


'off limits'?], so, the victim was abused by the police, and shown no consideration what so


The driver's employer stated that this was one driver who will never drive through a Black

area again.� And, no, I didn't hear anything about anyone being arrested. Isn't holding


against their will a crime?, then there's obstruction of traffic, etc. If these demonstrators had

been White I suspect they would have been jailed for 'demonstrating without a license' even

if they were orderly and didn't 'impede' traffic.

There is a feeling in Seattle that these Blacks were trying to provoke another "Cincinnati"





����� Fw: More Blacks in the news ‑‑You may have 'missed'.

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:33:27 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: More Blacks in the news ‑‑You may have 'missed'.

�� Brutal black racist mob burned white man to death

�� A black man convicted of beating and setting ablaze a Chicago

�� Heights man in 1995 was sentenced Thursday to 80 years in prison.

�� Wardell McClain, 23, was given the extended sentence by Judge

�� Frank Zelezinski in the Markham courthouse after the jury found the

�� murder to be "an exceptionally brutal and heinous act." After two

�� previous trials ended in hung juries, McClain was found guilty April 5

�� of beating and burning to death Richard Will, 31. A second man,

�� Michael Armstrong, 21, was convicted in the case in 1998, but that

�� conviction has since been overturned and is currently being appealed

�� by the state's attorney's office, according to O'Boyle. Four other black

�� men alleged to have taken part in the beating are still being sought

�� by police.

�� According to a statement read at McClain's 1999 trial, moments

�� before Will was accosted by a mob of black teenagers, McClain said

�� that a friend of his had remarked that he would beat up any white

�� guy who came to town.

�� Not long after, the group was told there was a white man around the

�� corner "The white dude said he was waiting on a lady." After the

�� youths began beating and kicking Will, a man identified in the

�� statement as "Mike‑Mike," pulled out a plastic bottle of lighter fluid,

�� doused Will's hair and set him on fire.

�� "He kept saying, `No, not again,'" Cece read. "It looked like somebody

�� had already beat him before. We just watched him burn."

�� Will suffered second‑ and third‑degree burns over 90 percent of his

�� body. He died hours later in Loyola University Medical Center in

�� Maywood.

�� [Reader comments] "Negro murderer finally gets sentenced. Should

�� have been executed".

��������������� Judge delays trial for mass‑killing suspect Ronald

��������������� Taylor

��������������� An Allegheny County judge delayed the case against

��������������� mass‑killing suspect Ronald Taylor to allow

��������������� prosecutors to appeal a decision permitting Taylor to

��������������� present an insanity defense.

��������������� Taylor is charged with three counts of criminal

�homicide in the killing of three men and the wounding of two other men

�in an allegedly racially‑motivated shooting spree in Wilkinsburg on March

�1, 2000. The defendant is black. The victims were white.

�[Reader comments] "Did I miss this, or did the national news media hush

�it up, as usual?"


����� Fw: More newsworthy Blacks [ you may have 'missed' ]

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:34:52 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: More newsworthy Blacks [ you may have 'missed' ]

�Jamaican to be executed for murder Police Sgt. Ricky L. Timbrook

��������� When Edward Nathaniel Bell was asked for last

��������� words he pointed to prosecutor and suggested he

��������� was the "guilty one," adding: "He don't like

��������� Jamaicans."

��������� [Reader comments] "A 'victim'to the end."

�� Sgt. Ricky L. Timbrook: �A Model Police Officer�

�� Officer Timbrook Memorial

�� Timbrook�s widow, family talk of their loss As Timbrook�s

�� widow, Kelly, prepared to take the stand, the couple�s

�� 13‑month‑old son began to cry and was taken from the

�� courtroom. Kelly Timbrook (right) shed tears as she read

�� from her victim impact statement provided to the court.

�� Conviction 1st of Its Kind In Half Century the last capital murder trial

�� in the city was for Howard Walker, who was electrocuted after being

�� convicted of rape.

�� Walker, an African‑American, was found guilty of raping a white

�� woman, Foreman said. At the time, such a rape was a capital offense,

�� punishable with the death penalty.

�� Glendening to Rule on Pardon For Black Man Hanged in 1919

�� Maryland Gov. Parris N. Glendening will exhume an 80‑year‑old

�� murder case this week, responding formally to requests that he

�� posthumously pardon John Snowden, the last black man in

�� Maryland to be hanged for killing a white woman. The case hinged

�� on witness testimony and the discovery of black skin under Brandon's

�� nails.

�� Three Augusta Negro robbers shot taxi driver, police say

�� also pistol whip man for his asthma inhaler

�� Group of three approached taxi driver, fired gun at him as he drove

�� from scene

�� A taxi driver was shot during an attempted robbery in Augusta early

�� Thursday, one of two violent crimes by a group of three men,

�� authorities said. Authorities suspect the same men also are

�� responsible for robbing and assaulting an Augusta man a block away

�� just minutes before the shooting. Gary Maurice Huskey was walking

�� home on Hicks Street when three men attacked him, pistol‑whipped

�� him, put a gun to his head and demanded money.

�� Finding no money, the men took Mr. Huskey's house key and asthma

�� inhaler.

�� One suspect was described as black, heavyset, 6 feet tall with braids,

�� and wore black pants and a black shirt. A second suspect was black, 5

�� feet 5 inches tall with a slim build and wore a white T‑shirt, blue

�� jeans and a white hat. The third man was black, 6 feet tall with a

�� slim build, and authorities say he might go by the nickname ''Black.''

�� A reward is offered, and anyone with information is asked to call the sheriff's office at

�� 821‑1020.

�� [Reader comments] (these) "Georgia negroes amuse themselves at

�� their favorite sport ‑ robbery and attempted murder."


����� Fw: Blacks in the news ! [ that you may have 'missed' ]

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:35:25 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Blacks in the news ! [ that you may have 'missed' ]

�� South Africa: Teacher suspended after sex with pupil A Thokoza

�� teacher was suspended on Thursday following allegations that he had

�� sexual relations with an 18‑year‑old pupil. The teacher, Popo

�� Mosoeu, 32, was handed his letter of suspension by Gauteng

�� Education MEC Ignatius Jacobs when he visited the Thoko Thaba

�� High School.

�������� Minister Indicted For Rape

�������� Girl Suffers From Down Syndrome

�������� CINCINNATI, 11:29 p.m. EDT May 31, 2001 ‑‑ An area minister

�������� was arrested Wednesday for allegedly raping a woman with

�������� Down syndrome at a group home. Jerome Jordan, 51, is a

�former minister who was working at the Margaret Bullock Geier

�Apartments on Montgomery Road. He was working at the group home for

�people with mental disabilities as a case manager. The reverend's wife said

�that she does not understand how prosecutors can claim that they have

�DNA evidence of the crime. The Rev. Donald Jordan, the senior pastor at

�Jordan's church, sent out a letter to the public saying that the two men

�are in no way related... (reader link)

������ Victim didn't get star treatment By LEONARD PITTS

������ They said Eric Knott raped a 13‑year‑old girl.

������ But Eric Knott is a football star. Seventeen years old at the time,

������ considered one of the best young players in the country, college

������ recruiters lining up at his door. So there was tremendous

�concern that he be treated fairly.

�Gov Glendening pardons black in 1919 rape murder of white


������ (pandering to African voters) But a relative of the slain woman

������ said she is baffled by the governor's decision. "'Pardon,' it is a

������ very strong word. Pardon has an interpretation of innocence ‑

������ that is where I am concerned," said Judy Kulawiak, 51, of

������ Millersville, a great‑niece of murder victim Lottie May Brandon.

������ The victim's body was exhumed, and a report was released

�saying the clawed flesh of a black person was found beneath her

�fingernails. (reader link)

�� Ref: Board of Trustees, National Forum for Black Public

�� Administrators.

�� Ref: invest in historically black colleges and universities

�� Ref: Glendening will honor the International Association of Black

�� Professional Firefighters

�� Ref: Black Caucus lauds Glendening speech * Blacks Endorse

�� Glendening


����� Fw: The "Joys of diversity"... just keep coming...

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:37:08 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: The "Joys of diversity"... just keep coming...

�� A dozen people shot at Baltimore block party thrown in honor of a

�� fallen gang member. "This is hard, this is genocide," Robert Silver, 37,

�� told The (Baltimore) Sun as he stood near the scene. * At Least 11

�� Wounded in Gunfire During Baltimore Block Party

�� [Reader comments] "In typical Washington Post fashion, they forgot

�� to give descriptions of anyone. On the local News last night, they

�� showed the whole gang. Everyone of them was of African descent."

�� Pair 'chopped up resident to get his flat'

�� Black hispanic accused of killing two, dismembering one

�� victim

��������������� NEW YORK (AP) A man was charged with killing two

��������������� people one of whom was dismembered so he could

��������������� move into their apartments, police said.

��������������� Bernard Perez, 20, was arrested early Monday after

��������������police found him and another man inside one of the

�� victim's apartment in upper Manhattan.

�� Investigators found a man's severed hands in a plastic bag in

�� one location and his torso and legs in another. His head was

�� in a plastic bag under his kitchen sink, said Cadet Latoneya

�� Burwell, a police spokeswoman.

�� Perez and Rahman Williams, 21, were charged with

�� first‑degree murder in the slaying, Burwell said. Police tentatively

�� identified the victim as Gerry Pollard, a man in his late 40s.

�� Perez also was charged with murdering Doris Drakeford, 44, who

�� lived in the same building as Pollard. Her hogtied body was found last

�� week in the Harlem River, and police said she had been strangled.

�� Police said Perez confessed to killing the two because he wanted to

�� move into their apartments. His cousin Elizabeth Rodriguez, 39,

�� defended Perez

�� Leesburg woman reportedly raped in apartment by black (May 25, 2001

�� ‑ temp reader link)

�� A 41‑year‑old Leesburg woman was reportedly raped about 9 p.m.

�� last night in the Mayfair Commons apartment complex at 75 Plaza St.

�� Leesburg Police Capt. Clagett Moxley said the woman was in her

�� apartment when she was confronted and attacked by a man police

�� are now seeking.

�� Claggett described the man as a black male wearing a navy blue or

�� black shirt, blue jeans and white athletic type tennis shoes, about

�� 6‑feet tall and having a large or husky build. Clagett said police have

�� not determined how the suspect was able to gain access to the

�� apartment. Anyone with information on this incident should contact the Criminal

�� Investigation Section of the Leesburg Police Department at 703‑771‑4500 or the

�� Leesburg Crime Line at 703‑443‑TIPS.


����� Fw: Coming soon to your neighborHOOD ?

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:37:45 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Coming soon to your neighborHOOD ?

Coming soon to your neighborHOOD ?

���� Generous Govt gives refuge to Lost Boys of Sudan in your

���� neighborhood

���� Last year the United States agreed to resettle about 3,600 Lost Boys

���� and a few dozen girls in places like Burlington, Seattle, Grand

���� Rapids, Mich., and Fargo, N.D.

���� Government decides that Vermont needs 'diversity'. Will all of

�Africa follow? (reader link)


����� Fw: Human heads for sale in migrant meat market

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:39:03 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Human heads for sale in migrant meat market

�Ah, Diversity...ain't it just wonderful?

�������� UK: African Monkey meat dealers guilty of smuggling

�������� How immigration enriches the culture of England. Two African

�������� migrant shopkeepers were found guilty yesterday of smuggling

�������� an endangered monkey into Britain for sale as "bushmeat".

�������� Mobolaji Osakuade, 40, and his girlfriend, Rosemary Kinnane,

�35, face up to seven years' jail and an unlimited fine after selling the

�tantalus monkey from their shop in Dalston market, east London.

�� Osakuade was convicted of eight other charges involving

�� smuggling of python and lizard skins, while Kinnane was found

�� guilty of 10 offences including acquisition of a pangolin, or scaly

�� anteater, which is also an endangered species.

�� The case at Southwark crown court, London, highlighted how a

�� demand among expatriate African communities has created a

�� thriving illegal bushmeat business in London. It also showed the

�� exorbitant prices people are prepared to pay for it: the monkey

�� was sold for �350.

�� Human heads for sale in migrant meat market. Osakuade

�� boasted of being able to procure a chimpanzee's hand or even a

�� human head. He claimed he could get hold of a male lion for

�� �5,000, telling the investigator: "I can get anybody anything they

�� want, provided they pay for it."

�� Tories claims that Britain has become a "soft touch" for economic

�� migrants.

�� Asylum issue low priority in Scotland despite attacks against asylum

�� seekers which have been headline news in Glasgow for months.

�� Glasgow has received 4,500 asylum seekers as part of the Home

�� Office's "dispersal" policy and will accept 3,000 more before summers'

�� end.


����� Fw: France: 15 or more North African youth brutally

����� gang‑rape

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:40:21 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: France: 15 or more North African youth brutally gang‑rape

�France: 15 or more North African youth brutally gang‑rape

a mentally retarded woman

Une handicap�e mentale victime d'une ''tournante'' � Aix‑en‑Provence:

[French reader translates details from Le Figaro Friday 25 Issue]

"At Aix en Provence, A 36 year old mentally handicapped woman has been raped by as many as 15

north African youths, who came from Jas de Bouffan, a low income housing city where about 20,000

immigrants are living.

11 rapists, aged 14 to 19 have already been arrested.

Other arrests should follow, including a 13 year old.

May 12, around 1am, people raised the alert when they saw a naked woman walking in the street,

looking for help. Frightened, the unfortunate woman was shivering from the cold. Her body was

COVERED with Bruises and CIGARETTE BURNS. She told people "They were 5, then six, then 10,

then 20, I don't know anymore...".

The victim just got out of a psychiatric hospital were she goes every week for treatment. She was

approached by 5 "men" who had apparently "smelled an opportunity". They forcibly dragged her into a

trash room, forced her to smoke pot, undressed her and gagged her.

The aggressors raped her for several hours, then feeling cramped in the small room, they took her

to an abandoned house. Using their cell phones, they called about ten other youths.

This is what the French penal code name "acts of torture and barbarity"

Quote: "Some educators describe this type of sadistic sexual assault

as being motivated by a latent racism"


����� Fw: Murdered old woman 'in cold blood' during carjack

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:42:58 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Murdered old woman 'in cold blood' during carjack

�������������� Prints place pair in car, police say

��������������� By BILL BRAUN World Staff Writer

������������������������ 5/17/01

����������� The fingerprints of George John Hanson and Victor Cornell Miller were found in

����������� the car of homicide victim Mary Bowles, and two guns were found in the

����������� Muskogee motel room where the two men were arrested, investigators testified

����������� Wednesday.

����������� Police found Bowles' Buick ‑‑ with alternator damage ‑‑ at the Oasis Motel, 9303

����������� E. 11th St. in Tulsa, a week after she vanished.

����������� The car had been parked there since Aug. 31, 1999 ‑‑ the day Bowles was last

����������� seen alive and when a man identified as Hanson registered and rented a room at

����������� that motel after 6 p.m.

Police lifted fingerprints from the driver's and front‑passenger's seat belts, evidence indicated.

Robert Yerton, a retired Tulsa police officer who is the department's fingerprint examiner, testified that

Hanson's thumbprint was on the driver's belt and that Miller's thumbprint was on the passenger's belt.

Yerton said Hanson's fingerprints also were found on an Oasis Motel registration card, and defense

lawyers acknowledged that the card was signed by Hanson.

Testimony resumes Thursday in the trial of Hanson, 37, on two counts of first‑degree murder in the

shootings of Bowles, 77, of Tulsa and Owasso trucking company owner Jerald Thurman, 44.

Co‑defendant Miller, 38, is set for trial on Sept. 17.

Bowles, who retired as a vice president with the Bank of Oklahoma, clocked out after a volunteer work

shift at St. Francis Hospital at 3:51 p.m. Aug. 31, 1999.

Prosecutors theorize that she went home to change clothes before she went to the Tulsa Promenade

mall to walk indoors and that she was carjacked by Hanson and Miller from the mall parking lot

between 4:30 and 5 p.m.

Evidence indicated that around 5:50 p.m. that day, Thurman was shot multiple times in a secluded

area around the 7200 block of North Mingo Road, within a mile of where the Bowles' body was

discovered a week later.

Tulsa detectives testified that a woman who was eventually identified as Miller's wife informed them

that Hanson and Miller robbed the Tulsa Federal Employees Credit Union on the afternoon of Sept. 8,

1999, and that they were at an Econo Lodge in Muskogee.

Muskogee officers said Miller surrendered from Room 135 around 6:30 a.m. Sept. 9 but that Hanson

was not arrested until seven hours later.

Hanson barricaded himself in the room and did not surrender until after water and phone facilities were

cut off and tear gas was launched inside, according to testimony.

Lance Schryer, an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper who was then a Muskogee police officer, said he

was in an adjoining room during the standoff and listened for noise from Hanson's room. He heard what

sounded like a porcelain lid being lifted from the toilet in the adjoining room, and with other water shut

off "I thought he was drinking from the back of the toilet," Schryer testified.

Law officers testified that after Hanson's arrest, two loaded handguns ‑‑ a .38‑caliber revolver and a

9mm semiautomatic pistol ‑‑ were found in the room's commode tank.

District Attorney Tim Harris has said there will be testimony that an analysis of bullets recovered from

the victims' bodies established that the guns found in the motel are the murder weapons.

Clyde Snow, an Oklahoma‑ based forensic anthropology consultant, testified that he thinks Bowles

was shot five times.

Bill Braun, World staff writer, can be reached at 581‑8455 or via e‑mail at [email protected].

�Murdered old woman� 'in cold blood' during carjack ‑ car prints place pair

����� The fingerprints of George John Hanson and Victor Cornell Miller

����� were found in the car of homicide victim Mary Bowles,77, who

����� was carjacked by Hanson and Miller from the mall parking lot .

����� Ref: Murder defense to target witness Bowles was "murdered in

����� cold blood" and trucking company owner Jerald Thurman was

����� left bleeding and "fighting for life" in a ditch less than a mile

�away. The decomposing body of Bowles, an active community volunteer,

�was found Sept. 7, 1999, in northern Tulsa County. Investigators theorize

�that she was abducted Aug. 31 from the Tulsa Promenade mall parking lot

�and taken to that secluded area, where her killers confronted Thurman ‑‑

�who owned a trucking company and had a gravel pit there ‑‑ while they

�were in the process of robbing Bowles of her car.

�[Reader comments] "I saw this "From wire reports" article in the Dallas

�Morning News, and I immediately knew it was racial sterilized, but I had

�not expected this. Here is the article which appeared in the Dallas

�Morning News: Oklahoma: Man convicted in deaths of banker, truck

�driver)" (middle of page)


����� Fw: 86‑year‑old woman dies from doorstep mugging by

����� two cowardly black murderers

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:44:36 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�� UK: 86‑year‑old woman dies from doorstep mugging by two

�� cowardly black murderers by Paul Pickett

�� A murder hunt is under way after an 86‑year‑old woman died in an

�� attack by muggers who made off with �15. Hilda Lockert was

�� attacked outside her home in Brixton on 30 April after returning

�� from shopping.

�� The muggers, thought to be teenagers, jumped on her outside her

�� front door in Langport House on the Overton Road Estate at 1pm,

�� pulling her to the ground. She sustained a broken leg and head

�� injuries and died in hospital on Wednesday ‑ her 86th birthday.

�� Before the teenagers fled they searched her pockets and took her

�� purse containing �15, her bus pass, the keys to her flat and a Tesco

�� loyalty card. One of them was seen to run towards Overton Road.

�� Both are described as black. A post mortem held yesterday gave the

�� cause of death as a blood clot. Mrs Lockert's death is being treated as

�� murder pending pathology tests. (reader link)

�� UK: Wog Shopkeeper saved from black's bullet by belt buckle

�� Arab shopkeeper shot by Jamaican black for 74pence

�� Shopkeeper saved by belt buckle A shopkeeper's life was saved by his

�� belt buckle when a bullet ricocheted off it after a gunman opened fire

�� at him. Haoudaj Nabil escaped with severe bruising and shock after

�� he was targeted at a call shop in Highbury. The gunman had argued

�� with Mr Nabil over a 74p telephone call he had made to Jamaica. He

�� refused to pay for the call, claiming he hadn't been able to properly

�� hear the person he was calling.

�� After the argument, the caller threatened: "'You are dead," before

�� leaving the shop, said Mr Nabil. The suspect is described as black,

�� aged between 30 and 35, and 5ft 7in tall and was riding a mountain

�� bike. (reader link)

�� Ref: WOG: "worthy Oriental gentleman"

������������������ Even Alaska is Not immune to rampant Black

������������������ violence

������������������ Shooting outside club called self‑defense as trial

������������������ opens

������������������ Man fired 9 times at victim, but jurors aren't told

������������������ why.

�One saw two black men walking at a brisk pace, and then the guard heard

�shots fired. Shawn Cloyd is black. (reader link)


����� Fw: Florida: Verdict spares black boy mandatory life term

����� for murdering white teacher

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:51:19 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Another White dead at the hands of a Black.

Another instance of justice denied.

And, wot !, not a mention of "hate" ??....

just reverse the races...dead Black teacher,

"Little White racist"...can you imagine the


And THEY want reparations ?!


�Florida: Verdict spares black boy mandatory life term for murdering white


������ A Palm Beach County jury convicted 14‑year‑old Nathaniel

������ Brazill of second‑degree murder Wednesday, sparing him a

������ mandatory life sentence without parole for shooting his English

������ teacher in the face outside a classroom on the last day of school

������ nearly a year ago. ``Not too bad,'' he turned to his attorney and

������ said afterward.

�Barry Grunow's brother, Kurt, slumped against the wooden court bench...

�� Nathaniel Brazill ‑‑ Natural Born Killer ‑ by Christopher Ruddy

�� (NewsMax reader)


����� Fw: SEATTLE: White High‑School Kids Complain of Racial

����� Harassment

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:52:21 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: SEATTLE: White High‑School Kids Complain of Racial


The mantra is that ONLY whites can be racists.

Could this be why the media NEVER mentions

how Blacks are waging a bloody crime war

[ethnic cleansing] which murdered about 77,000

Whites from 1974 to 1993, or 62% more than U.S.

soldiers killed in Vietnam?

How "hate" charges are rigorously prosecuted

against Whites, while non‑White defendants,

from O.J. Simpson on down, seldom if ever face


You DO recall the Cincinnati riots? One White

charged for a "hate' crime [fighting back] and

HUNDREDS of Blacks, well we still waiting...

the FBI is making soothing noises about

indicting some's been how long?

Seen any Blacks prosecuted yet?


�Vol 10 No. 35, May 17 ‑ May 23 2001

�������������������������������������������� Enter search words:

����������������������� ‑CITY‑


�White High‑School Kids Complain of

�Racial Harassment

�by Phil Campbell

�"Sometimes other people and myself are

�harassed because we are white. People of

�other races seem to have an unprovoked

�problem with white people."

�‑‑Anonymous high‑school student

�Here's a startling statistic that's been

�ignored by the local media and the schools

�for the past five years: Proportionally,

�more white students than black students

�feel they've been racially harassed in

�Seattle's public high schools.

�This statistic comes from two

�comprehensive surveys conducted by the

�school system in 1995 and 1999. The

�confidential surveys, the results of which

�were released to the public in 1996 and

�2000, posed the following question to

�Seattle public high‑school students: "Has

�anyone ever made offensive racial

�comments or attacked you based on race

�or ethnicity, at school or on your way to

�or from school?"

�In both 1995 and 1999, Latinos‑‑the

�fastest‑growing racial group in Seattle

�public schools‑‑proportionally responded

�in the affirmative more than any other

�racial group. Fifty‑one percent of Latinos

�replied "yes" in 1995, and 42 percent

�replied "yes" in 1999. Students who

�identified themselves as "multi‑ethnic"

�made up the second highest racially

�harassed group: 51 percent in 1995 and 38

�percent in 1999. These statistics certainly

�shouldn't surprise anybody.

�Moreover, it shouldn't surprise anyone

�that Asians, Native Americans, and

�African Americans also complained of

�being racially harassed (newly immigrated

�African students did not have their own

�category in either survey). But, in the

�midst of this melting pot, white students

�also responded yes, and more frequently

�than some of the other racial groups, most

�notably African Americans.

�In 1995, 48 percent of white Seattle

�public high‑school students complained of

�being racially harassed, putting them just

�behind Latinos and multi‑ethnic students.

�In 1999, that number dropped to 32

�percent, but they were still ahead of

�Native American, Southeast Asian,

�and‑‑again‑‑African American students.

�Now compare that to black students, our

�nation's most historically persecuted

�racial group. In 1995, 36 percent of

�African American students complained of

�racial harassment. Only Southeast Asian

�students complained less about racial

�harassment that year. And in 1999,

�African American students complained

�the least about racial harassment. That

�year, only 26 percent of black students

�said they'd been racially harassed.

�The mainstream press did not write about

�these statistics when they were originally

�released. (In fact, The Stranger only

�learned about the numbers when we saw

�some youth‑related data that was

�provided to the mayor's Mardi Gras task

�force two weeks ago.) When the surveys

�were originally made public in 1996 and

�2000, press coverage focused on the

�general trends covered by the

�survey‑‑student drug use, violence, and

�sexual promiscuity, primarily. It looks as if

�the rest of the surveys, with all their

�interesting details, were just thrown into

�the garbage.

�Maddeningly, school officials who are

�familiar with these puzzling statistics

�didn't seem interested in getting to the

�bottom of them. Pamela Hillard, the

�school system's program manager for

�health education, directed the

�comprehensive survey in 1995 and 1999.

�Hillard stressed that, overall, complaints

�of racial harassment have dropped 12

�percent from one survey to the next. But

�she couldn't explain why white students

�consistently and anonymously grumbled

�about feeling harassed. Every politically

�correct Seattleite knows that whites have

�no reason to feel persecuted. So why do


�"I don't have a particular take on it,"

�Hillard says. "It surprises a lot of people. It

�doesn't surprise other people. I don't have

�anything in particular to say to you."

�The confidential surveys can't be accused

�of lacking in thoroughness. The school

�system administered them to every school

�student who was in attendance on the

�appointed day. Almost 3,000 white

�students and roughly 1,400 black students

�completed the survey in both 1995 and

�1999. (Overall, there are roughly 13,400

�Seattle public high‑school students; 41

�percent of them are white and 23 percent

�of them are African American.)

�The most unfortunate thing about the

�survey statistics is that they don't offer

�more information. There is no way to tell

�if the white students were complaining

�more at Cleveland High School, where

�whites constitute 11 percent of the

�student population, or at Ballard High

�School, where they constitute 60 percent

�of the student population. (Of course, that

�question can be applied to any racial


�The survey results do include some

�uncensored comments that students

�made about racism (like the quote at the

�top of this article). When given the

�opportunity to be anonymous, some

�white students did not hold back.

�"[Racism at our school] is not racism like

�white towards black but blacks toward

�white," one student wrote. "We are

�referenced as 'white kid' or 'white trash.'

�We don't pay attention to this [but] if

�white people call black people 'niggers' we

�get beat up. I think it's SICK!!" Another

�student wrote, "I don't see any white kids

�harassing black kids, but I do see it the

�other way around. No racial comments,

�but they'll jump in the faces of white kids,

�trying to scare them. Then they laugh

�about it."

�But those random comments yield little

�more than anecdotal inklings about how

�racial interaction in our schools really

�happen. The school system seems to have

�completely failed to investigate the issue

�further. A year and a half ago, the statistic

�was brought up during anti‑harassment

�training for school faculty. According to

�one attendee, everybody was puzzled.

�"People had all kinds of questions," says

�Celia Arriaga, who works in the school

�system's drug and alcohol department.

�"The response was, 'Well this doesn't make

�any kind of sense.'" Today, no one is any

�closer to explaining the phenomenon.

�"Maybe we need to go back to the [white]

�students and ask them," Arriaga says.

[email protected]

����������������������������������� Linking? Use This URL!

����������������������������������� illustrated by Whiting Tennis

����������������������������������� Recently in City:

����������������������������������� 2001 Corporate Power Chart

����������������������������������� The Stranger's Second Annual List of

����������������������������������� Swaggering Titans (05/10/01)

����������������������������������� Will You Be My Neighbor?

����������������������������������� Sidran Should Sign the Same

����������������������������������� Agreement He Used to Harass Hiphop

����������������������������������� Clubs (05/10/01)

����������������������������������� By Josh Feit and Dan Savage

����������������������������������� Screwed Tenants

����������������������������������� Landlord Tests Judy Nicastro's Right

����������������������������������� to Organize Ordinance (05/10/01)

����������������������������������� By Matthew Preusch

����������������������������������� More...

����������������������������������� More by Phil Campbell:

����������������������������������� Food Issue Issue Date‑03/22/01

����������������������������������� The Hot Dog Challenge

��������� ��������������������������June, 1999, Memphis, Tennessee:

����������������������������������� This is a very important moment...

����������������������������������� (Entire Issue)

����������������������������������� Feature Issue Date‑02/01/01

�������� ���������������������������The Rape Revisionist

����������������������������������� Back in 1984, Mitch Gaff raped two

����������������������������������� sisters‑‑14 and 16...

����������������������������������� (Entire Issue)

������������������������ �����������Holiday Guide Issue Date‑11/23/00

����������������������������������� Leaving Ohio

����������������������������������� This is what I remember of the bland

����������������������������������� Christmases I...

����������������������������������� (Entire Issue)

����������������������������������� More...


��������������������� � Copyright 2001

��������������������� ���[email protected]


����� Fw: Blind White Woman And Guide Dog Attacked On Bus

����� by Brutal Black

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:53:12 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Blind White Woman And Guide Dog Attacked On Bus by Brutal


�Blind White Woman And Guide Dog Attacked On Bus by Brutal


������ Police Seeking Cowardly Black Assailant

������ PORTLAND, ‑‑ Portland police are on the hunt

������ for a man who reportedly assaulted a blind

������ woman and her guide dog on a Tri‑Met bus.

������ Patricia Mitchell (right) was riding the No. 15

������ bus down Belmont Street May 2 when a man

�got on near 34th Avenue and began kicking her seeing‑eye guide dog.

�Mitchell moved the dog away, but when she got off the bus, she remarked

�that he was being disrespectful. The man then struck her in the back of

�the head, knocking her down. The suspect is described as a black man,

�around 6 foot 1, weighing approximately 230 pounds. Police say that he

�has brown eyes and black hair. (reader link) (Was this a racial hate crime? ‑


������������� Police Identify a Suspect in Killings at Carnegie Deli The

������������� New York Police identified a 19‑year‑old musician

������������� yesterday as one of the men they believe shot and killed

������������� three people and wounded two others last week in an

������������� apartment above the Carnegie Delicatessen in Midtown.

������������� Sean Salley, left, and a sketch of a second suspect. (free

�reg ‑ reader link)


����� Fw: Texas: She was attacked by a black man and a black

����� woman

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:56:32 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

�Texas: She was attacked by a black man and a black woman ‑ Sandra Timberlake, 45,

Route 1, Elkhart, was found lying nude and bleeding ‑ shot seven to 10 times in the face, arms and

legs with a large‑caliber gun. (reader link)


����� Fw: Mugabe's mongrel mobs put white diplomats on hit

����� list

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:57:54 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>


�Mugabe's mongrel mobs put white diplomats on hit list (free reg)

��������������������������� Mugabe's terror mobs are drawing

��������������������������� up secret plans to assassinate White

��������������������������� diplomats as part of a drive to force

��������������������������� all whites out of Zimbabwe,

�according to the country's opposition leaders. (reader link)


����� Fw: Affirmative Action can Kill

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:58:25 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Affirmative Action can Kill

�������� FBI casts doubt on work of black forensic scientist (reader link)

�������� 3,000 cases examined: Man released after 15 years in Oklahoma prison

�������� Despite long‑standing complaints about her work, Joyce Gilchrist continued to be

�������� employed by the police and district attorney's office.

�������� (Affirmative Action can Kill)


����� Fw: More Blessings of Diversity!

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 21:04:26 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: More Blessings of Diversity!

����� Another Negro Captured: Fugitive in two slayings surrenders

����� The search for Keshan "Snap" Mitchell, who was wanted in

����� connection with two area homicides, ended with his peaceful

����� surrender to police in Southern California, authorities said.

����� On March 17, Mitchell allegedly shot and killed Timothy M.

����� Demastes Jr., 17, of Elverta. Police said the two were discussing

�white supremacy at a party when Mitchell became angry and started

�shooting. On April 1, Mitchell's anger led to another shooting and another

�death, Sacramento police said. Kenneth Ray Simon, 26, of Walnut Creek

�was fatally shot after a dispute about food orders at a Lyon's restaurant.

�[Reader comments] "You can find a picture of this negro on the April 14th

�archive on the America's most wanted page. He settles his disagreements

�by just killing people."

�� "Problem of mistrust We must heal the relationship, bridge the divide

�� between blacks and police."

�� in Baltimore, a mainly African‑American jury acquitted a black

�� teen‑ager who crashed into a patrol car, killing a police officer. There

�� is a war going on, people said during the 1960s, referring to race

�� relations....

�� Florida: Police charge black woman with hate crime

�� DELRAY BEACH ‑‑ It's not what most people want to feel when

�� they're in line for an ice cream at the Target food counter. Rhiannon

�� Howard said she was minding her own business when she felt a

�� strange wetness on her body. She also felt someone standing close

�� behind her.

�One of two young women behind her, a flabbergasted Howard said, had

�spit on her. When Howard, 21, turned and looked at them, they asked

�her, "What, you got a problem?"

�She was about to be embroiled in a conflict with two young women with

�extensive rap sheets and, police say, bad attitudes. Before it was over, one

�of those women would be charged with a hate crime for allegedly slapping

�Howard and calling her a "stupid white bitch." (more on NNN‑hate‑crime


����� Hate crimes, discrimination and human rights atrocities were

����� among the issues tackled by participants in a workshop Saturday

����� at USC in preparation for a global summit against racism. It was

����� the fourth preparatory meeting for the United Nations World

�Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and

�Related Intolerance, scheduled for Aug. 31 to Sept. 7. in Durban, South

�Africa. Resolutions to be recommended to the U.N., which could affect

�how international law is enforced, will be decided at the Durban

�conference. (Reader link)


����� Fw: Ahh...The Blessings of Diversity!

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 21:05:07 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Ahh...The Blessings of Diversity!

�Jamaican migrant urges black family to assassinate Cincinnati policeman

������ "the family should go out and get that policeman...the Thomas

������ family should �quietly stalk that S.O.B. and take him out.� He

������ was referring to police officer Steve Roach, accused of shooting

������ escaping black suspect Thomas.

������ Northern Kentucky University professor is under fire for

������ statements he made at a student forum, calling for the family of

�Timothy Thomas to stalk a Cincinnati police officer and �take him out.�

�Clinton Hewan is a tenured associate professor of political science and a

�native of Jamaica. NKU President Dr. James Votruba sent a strongly

�worded e‑mail Thursday to all university employees objecting to Mr.

�Hewan's comments. He added he would be looking further into the

�matter. Mr. Hewan recently was named to the Wall of Tolerance, a

�monument under construction in Atlanta (Reader link)

�������� A Second Guilty Plea: Crips wannabe, gets 10 years for razor

������ �attack

�������� It was during a 15‑minute car ride on Oct. 25, from Brentwood

�������� to the South Shore Mall in Bay Shore, that Khadijah

�������� Muhammad (pictured) and Shatoya Lofton laid out a plan that

�������� would make them lifelong members of the black Crips gang.

�First they stopped at a store to buy razor blades, then, they went to the

�mall to find somebody to slice. They intended to return to the car holding

�their bloody razor blades as proof for gang members.

�They spotted a 17‑year‑old cashier at a clothing store wearing a red shirt,

�the color of a rival gang. They trailed her down, then stopped her. After

�the brief conversation, the cashier turned and walked away. Just as she

�was leaving, Muhammad said she grabbed her by the hair and pulled her

�to the ground. Both girls began punching and kicking the cashier. Then,

�while Muhammad held her down, Lofton dug her razor blade into the

�girl's temple and ran it down the side of her face. It opened a gaping

�wound down to the bone which required 180 .stitches to sew together,

�Prudenti said. (Reader link)

�� 14‑year old Littleton girl evades rape by Hispanic gang��� ( NNA‑news)

�� UK: Victim 'shot as he escaped from Afro‑Asian mob' ‑ (British Nation

�� link)

�� The gang, armed with guns, baseball bats and swords...

�� ...involved both Afro‑Caribbean and Asian "communities"

�� ...chased by a group of about ten Afro‑Caribbean men.

�� A man was shot in the back as he ran away from a rampaging mob in

�� Bradford, a court heard yesterday. Destor Coleman, 27, known as

�� Dextor, was shot in the back by Safdar Khan.

�The gang, armed with guns, baseball bats and swords, then turned their

�attentions to a nearby bookmakers where they smashed the glass counter

�and TV screens, assaulted people inside and stole more than �1,500.

�Mr Smith told the court that the incident on July 14 involved members of

�both Afro‑Caribbean and Asian communities. The following suspects

�'pleaded not guilty':

�Safdar Khan, Mohammed Shaffi, Yousuf Khan, Mohammed Raja,


������ [Christian_Nationalist] More News on the Diversity

������ Front

�� Date:

������ Fri, 29 Jun 2001 15:02:16 ‑0700

�� From:

������ "hengist" <[email protected]>


������ [email protected]

� ���To:

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>

�Las Vegas: Blacks and Hispanic arrested in home invasions ‑ rapes

������������������������� Then one of the armed robbers stood

������������������������� watch over the man and girl, the man

������������ �������������recalled, while other assailants took

������������������������� the woman into another room and

������������������������� raped her at gunpoint. The men fled as

������������������������� the sun rose Tuesday morning, leaving

�behind the terrified victims of one in a series of home invasions and sexual

�assaults across the west side of the valley. Javier Campos, 18; Leonard

�Hunt, 24; Laterus Parish, 19; and two unidentified juveniles were jailed

�Thursday in connection with the Spring Valley attack and two other

�home invasion robberies, one also involving a sexual assault, police said.

�(minorities working together ‑ isn't that nice?) (reader link)

�� Jus black youths havin them some fun (NYT free reg) It was around

�� 10:45 Wednesday morning, June 20th, and a crowd of nearly 50

�� students, most of them black, had gathered in front of a vending

�� machine inside the high school. Some of them wanted to play a

�� violent form of tag, going after Hispanic students to physically abuse

�� them. A 17‑year‑old defendant offered the closest semblance of an

�� explanation for the nature of the game: some black students did not

�� like the way some Hispanic students were showing off during a fire

�� drill. "So they were like, someone is going to get it," he said.

�� On Totowa Avenue the (black) crowd came upon a white

�� deliveryman carrying Little Debbie cakes into a grocery store. One

�� boy punched the man and knocked him down, according to several

�� defendants, including another boy who admitted to kicking the man.

�� "The guy drops the cakes out of a little white box," the boy told the

�� police. "Everybody starts taking the cakes and running. Then we keep

�� walking. Then we see the bum."

�� Hector Robles was the eldest of eight children born to parents from

�� Puerto Rico. Another boy, 16, told the police, "I snuck him," using a

�� term that means to strike from behind. "I hit him in the jaw with my

�� right hand." Several defendants said as many as 40 teenagers had

�� watched as several "youths" began kicking and stomping on Robles...

�� Robles was declared dead; repeated blows to the body had ruptured

�� his spleen. (reader link)



����� ‑‑ A fugitive sought for seven years in the murder of a 7‑year‑old

����� Massachusetts girl was nabbed near Rockefeller Center yesterday

����� selling tickets for a tour bus, cops said.

����� Francisco Sepulveda, had been living in Manhattan and working

�at different restaurant jobs. Sepulveda went on the lam after little Eva

�Rojas was allegedly suffocated during a home robbery. (reader link)

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����� Fw: The New South Africa: Whites Viciously Massacred

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 21:05:41 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

The New South Africa: Whites Viciously Massacred ‑ by Adriana Stuijt

South African whites are being viciously attacked and killed, and a media blackout of the crimes has

not helped.... This is especially true for farmers, against whom a campaign seems to have been

launched since the end of apartheid in 1992...And under South Africa's new gun control laws, these

civilian farmers would no longer be allowed to carry anything larger than a small handgun to defend

themselves from such attacks. (Reader link)

�� Embassies next target of black Zimbabwe �veteran� terrorists

�� ZIMBABWE�S so‑called war veterans who led the invasion of white‑owned farms warned

�� yesterday that foreign embassies would be their next target. (Reader link)

With a special dedication to whiggers' Inkblot and "Wotta‑load‑of‑bollocks‑sunshine"; coming soon

to a neighbourhood near you. Remember chappies, you qualify as the thrid type of 'whitemeat',

after chicken and turkey! [For you in Oz and environs that would be 'long‑pig']



����� Fw: Black Girl, Age 11, Stabs Woman to Death

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 21:06:54 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Subject: Black Girl, Age 11, Stabs Woman to Death

Black Girl, Age 11, Stabs Woman to Death

Philadelphia: Jo‑Ann Mattel, 34, said that she grabbed

her daughter and ran into the house when she saw a

young black girl walking down the street with a butcher

knife stabbing the air.� In the next block Rosemarie Knight,

55, came out of her brick row house to walk her 17‑year

old Lab named Odie.� They unwisely moved into the

racially mixed area only five months previously.

The 11‑year old girl walked up to Mrs Knight and

stabbed her in the chest.� She fell over and cried for help.

A neighbor dialed 911.� When medics arrived she asked,

"am I going to die ‑‑ am I going to die?"

Knight was dead befor reaching the hospital.

Police said it was "random killing",� There was no

motive.� This paper has reported similar cases of

blacks being in what they call, "a killing mood."

Meaning that they have an urge to kill someone ‑‑

anyone.� This is a common occurrence in Africa!

From "The Truth At Last"...issue # 427


����� A witnesses' Personal report of black‑on‑white carjacking

� Date:

����� Sun, 24 Jun 2001 21:19:49 ‑0700


����� "hengist" <[email protected]>

�� To:

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

���� �<[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>,

����� <[email protected]>

�� CC:

����� "Willie Martin" <[email protected]>

Personal report of black‑on‑white carjacking

�������������� Posted Sunday, June 24, 2001 20:59 Pacific

�� Hell, about 4:15am. June 22 at Albertson's grocery store, at

�� Royal Lane and 75, a clean‑cut White young man, who looked

�� about 20, got carjacked by 4‑5 armed african male savages, and

�� they also took his groceries with the car which he was buying

�� for his disabled mother who has the misfortune to near live near

�� the store, so that he could visit her before he went to work, like

�� a good son.

�� Unfortunately, he did not know that the savages were also

�� shopping. I ran across the poor White sole about 5:15 am. When

�� I noticed him walking in the parking lot as I was coming out of

�� Albertson after doing my grocery shopping. I was putting my

�� groceries in my car, and he was walking through the parking lot

�� to his mom's apartment across the highway(75).

�� I noticed that he was wet and very muddy, looked in shock, and

�� was dressed in nice clothes with a clean‑cut look, as he walked

�� near my car, so I ask him if he was all right because it is

�� dangerous to walk around alone in the area at night, especially

�� if your White.

�� He told me that he was going to his mom's apartment and that

�� he had been carjacked. Now the sad part. When the savages

�� showed their guns, he just started running. He ran blind with

�� utter fear to the area in back of Albertson's, where there is some

�� woods and a creek which runs into White Rock lake. He hid for

�� almost an hour running blindly, because he was so afraid. He

�� was not familiar with the area, and said he got lost.

�� I thought he urinated his pants, but he said he fell into a creek.

�� He wanted me to call a cab to take him across the highway to

�� his mom's apartment. I did not see the off‑duty Dallas Police

�� officer which was in the store, because of recent robberies, when

�� I briefly went inside. He must have been in the back of the big

�� store on a coffee break. I took him to his mom's house and

�� personally made sure he called the police, because he would not

�� go with me into the store to use the phone.

�� He wanted to go to his mom's house and call because she had

�� been expecting him and would already be worried. Her

�� apartment was only 300 yards away, so I conceded and drove

�� him there, because I just guess he wanted to be with his mom,

�� which I understand. We called the police, and then I left. He was

�� so afraid, and appeared to be in some sort of mental shock.

�� The difference between me and him is that I am older, I had a

�� gun, 'carried and conceal', and I nowadays look at africans with

�� suspicion, targets, while he, being young, probably looks at

�� them as omnipotent, kind, brave, fair, friendly, and courageous.

�� Hollywood, the liberal mass media, and government schools

�� have done their work well on our young White males. He

�� appeared to have no aggression traits, or at least they had been

�� mentally suppressed by liberal brainwashing, for he appeared to

�� be a sensitive straight White young man.

�� There has been no mention of this is in the Dallas Morning

�� News for the last two days, but you can bet your life that if it

�� had been 4‑5 White males robbing a african, the story would

�� have been front page news with the race mentioned. Gang of

�� Whites carjack African‑American, and steal groceries. Just

�� imagine 45 minutes latter, this poor clean‑cut kid is hiding in

�� the mud, paralyzed with fear, while the subhumans are back at

�� the crib saying, "ya see da whote crakar run, heh heh...heh, dat

�� wa fun, let do it gin".

�� Reader from Dallas, Texas


������ Holy War: US woman killed in lottery rite

�� Date:

������ Mon, 25 Jun 2001 01:27:41 ‑0700

�� From:

������ "hengist" <[email protected]>


������ [email protected]

���� To:

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>

�� US woman killed in lottery rite ‑ (UK‑ET free reg)

�� Police: American was victim of human sacrifice

�� AN American woman whose body was found 19 months after she

�� disappeared near her home in Malaysia was murdered in a bizarre

�� ritual sacrifice to ascertain winning lottery numbers, according to

�� police.Senior officers quoted by Malaysian newspapers said a man

�� who confessed to the murder of Carolyn Jamica Noraini Abdullah, 35,

�� had led them to her body buried on an oil palm estate at Sungai

�� Siput in the northern state of Perak.He had confessed that he had

�� carried out the murder with his brother and another man. Belief in

�� black magic is still prevalent among Malaysians. Cockerels or goats

�� are sacrificed to spirit gods by groups of men whose leader goes into a

�� trance and supposedly reveals winning combinations to the four‑digit

�� national lottery. Although very rare, there have been reported cases

�� of human sacrifice. (reader link)

�� We need more Malaysian migrants: ‑ to enrich our culture through

�� ethnic diversity

�� Ref: MALAYSIA: in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's highest court upheld

�� the death sentence on a witch doctor and 2 other Malaysians for

�� murdering and dismembering a politician.

�� Ref: Malaysian Voodoo Witchdoctor To Hang For Murder

�� Ref: Vigilantes throughout the main island of Java have taken

�� revenge against people they say were involved in the mysterious

�� killings of more than 150 Muslim clerics and people believed to have

�� been dabbling in black magic. (bottom of page)

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Written from an evolutionary viewpoint, rather than one of design,

but, facts are facts.


The fact is, however, that the most important racial differences are genetic rather than cultural. Skin

and eye color, facial features, skull shape, skeletal proportions, patterns of body fat disposition, tooth

size, jaw shape, female breast form, odor, and hair texture are only the most noticeable genetically

determined physical characteristics which differ racially.

Beyond these things are the entire biochemical constitution and development of the individual. There

are profound racial differences in blood chemistry, in endocrine function, and in physiological response

to environmental stimuli. Blacks and Whites mature at different rates. They have different

susceptibilities to many disease organisms as well as different patterns of congenital disease. They

even have different nutritional requirements.

Racial differences, in other words, are much more than skin deep; they permeate the individual and are

manifested in virtually every cell of his body. They are the products of millions of years of separate

evolutionary development which has adapted the different races, with considerable precision to different

environmental demands.

When we understand the all pervading nature of genetic racial differences, we can see that cultural

racial differences are�� not so superficial as some would have us believe. Far from masking any

fundamental "equality" or exaggerating racial dissimilarities, they simply manifest the genetic

differences of which they are, in fact, expressions.

The culture of a race, free of alien influences, is telling evidence of that race's essential nature. The

African Negro with a cow‑dung hairdo, a bone through his nose, and teeth filed down to sharp points,

in other words, presents to us a far more accurate image of the Negro essence than does the

American Black in a business suit who has been trained to drive an automobile, operate a typewriter,

and speak flawless English.

�������������� Negro culture is not merely DIFFERENT from White culture; it is a LESS

�������������� ADVANCED culture and, by practically any standard, INFERIOR. It is a

�������������� culture which never advanced to the point of a written language or a

�������������� civilized society. It never saw even the barest glimmerings of mathematics

�������������� or the invention of the wheel. The smelting and use of metals and the

�������������� quarrying and dressing of stone for architectural purposes are crafts that

�������������� were taught to the Negro by members of other races. The hokum currently

�������������� being served up in the schools about a centuries‑old Negro "civilization"

�������������� based on the ruins of stone walls found at Zimbabwe, in Rhodesia [note:

�������������� at the time of this writing, the country was still called Rhodesia] is simply

���������� ����the product of wishful thinking by proponents of racial equality who are

�������������� willing to ignore all facts which conflict with their equalitarian mania.

�������������� Negro culture inferiority is the consequence of the physical inadequacy of

the Negro brain in dealing with abstract concepts. On the other hand, the Negro shows an ability

approaching that of the White at mental tasks requiring only memory. That is why the Negro can be

trained relatively easily to adapt to many aspects of White culture.

His verbal ability and his ability to imitate allow him, when properly motivated, to assume much of the

outward appearance� of "equality." In a decade of special college‑admission quotas for Blacks, many

thousands of Blacks have obtained college diplomas ‑‑ but only in those disciplines in which a glib

tongue and a good memory suffice. There have been virtually no Black graduates in the physical

sciences and very few in engineering.

Thus the Negroes inability to handle the abstract concepts required in problem‑solving and

technological innovation make a mockery of outward appearances. And this inability is genetic in

nature, rooted in the physical structure of the Negro brain.

Until the post‑World War II campaign to blend the White and Negro races began in earnest, the

Negro's mental limitations were common knowledge. The 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica,

for example, says of the Negro, in part:

"...Other characteristics appear to be hypertrophy of the organs of excretion, a more developed venous

system, and a less voluminous brain, as compared with the White races."

"In certain of the characteristics mentioned above the Negro would appear to stand on a lower

evolutionary plane than the White man, and to be more closely related to the highest anthropoids ...."

"Mentally the Negro is inferior to the White ... While with the latter the volume of the brain grows with

the expansion of the brainpan, in the former the growth of the brain is on the contrary arrested by the

premature closing of the cranial sutures and lateral pressure of the frontal bone."

And the 1932 edition of the Encyclopedia Americana lists, among the distinguishing characteristics of

the Negro race,���� the following:

"3. Weight of brain, 35 ounces (in gorilla 20 ounces, average Caucasian 45 ounces) ...."

"8. Exceedingly thick cranium, enabling him to use the head as a weapon of attack ...."

"14. The cranial sutures, which close much earlier in the Negro than in other races."

As the media stepped up their flow of "equality" propaganda, later editions of these encyclopedias

simply deleted the racial data on Blacks. One had to turn to specialized medical texts to learn that the

associative areas of the brain, where abstract thought takes place, are less developed in the Negro

than in the White.

It has been well known since the large‑scale intelligence testing of U.S. Army recruits in World War I

that the average Negro IQ is approximately 15 per cent below that of the average White. Apologists for

the Blacks have tried to explain away the earlier test scores as being due to the effects of segregated

schools and Black poverty; i.e. they claimed the tests were "culturally biased."

Later IQ tests, however, showed essentially the same degree of Black deficiency in IQ: whether Black

graduates of integrated high schools were tested against White graduates of the same schools, or

Blacks in a certain socio‑economic category against similarly categorized Whites, the Blacks always

scored substantially lower, even though standard IQ tests measure memory skills as well as purely

associative ability. Tests which focus on the latter type of mental function show a much larger

difference between Black and White scores.

But it is precisely the ability to associate concepts, to deal with abstractions, to mentally extrapolate

the present into the future that has allowed the White race to build and maintain its civilization, and it

is the Negro's deficiency in this regard which kept him in a state of savagery in his African environment

and is now undermining the civilization of a racially mixed America. That is why it is vitally important

for every White person to understand that there can be no such thing as "equality" between Whites

and Blacks, regardless of the amount of racial mixing forced on Americans by the government.

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������ [Christian_Nationalist] 75‑year‑old‑man beaten with belt

������ on highway by Eithiopean migrant

�� Date:

������ Thu, 28 Jun 2001 02:12:24 ‑0700

�� From:

������ "hengist" <[email protected]>


������ [email protected]

���� To:

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>,

������ <[email protected]>

�� Police: 75‑year‑old‑man beaten with belt on highway by Eithiopean

�� migrant

�� Authorities Say Case Involves Road Rage

�� MINNEAPOLIS, ‑‑ A Minneapolis man has been charged with

�� assaulting a 75‑year‑old man during an apparent road rage attack on

�� Crosstown Highway 62. Teshome Sameru, 38, is accused of ramming

�� his vehicle into the man's car and whipping him with a belt when

�� the two pulled to the side of the road last Wednesday.

�� Three men held Sameru until police arrived. Witnesses told police

�� that Sameru was driving on the highway shoulder and cutting in

�� front of drivers. Sameru was charged with second‑degree assault

�� while using his car as a deadly weapon and two counts of first‑degree

�� property damage. He was being held without bail in Hennepin

�� County jail.

�� Ref: Tesfaye Aleme was looking for a new job when Kassa Teshome

�� called and offered to share his Rose City cab. Like Aleme, Teshome

�� was an Ethiopian political exile who also had survived prison and

�� torture.

�� Ref: Ethiopian Minnesota webpage Ethiopian music scene project

�� was with Teshome Wolde

�� Ref: Since the self‑imposed starvation of inmate Teshome Abate, the

�� Arizona Department of Corrections...

������ Man accused in fatal beating of girlfriend

������ HAMILTON � Accused of beating his girlfriend to death with a

������ baseball bat, a Hamilton man is confined in the Butler County

������ Jail without bond awaiting a Monday preliminary hearing in

������ Municipal Court. Gus Bealer, 46, was arrested early Tuesday on

������ charges of murder, felonious assault and domestic violence.

�(reader link)

������ "Flash Dancer's Dream Dies on N.J. Highway"

������ Janice Davy's double life ended in a bizarre death

������ when she was allegedly carjacked and then repeatedly

������ run over as she walked along a New Jersey highway.

������ Jermaine Linder of Harlem was charged with murder

������ after he was found behind the wheel of Davy's stolen

�silver Volkswagen Jetta. (reader link)

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�������������������������������� An Angry White Woman

Over the years people� have criticized many for their outspoken nature towards Jews and Negro's. They say I am not very compassionate or understanding: that I am not a Christian. I have been called every name in the book from Jew and Negro bashing, bigot, democracy garbage, no use of the English Lanuage, filled with hate, that I make hate speech, I am another Hitler, idiot, I use inflammatory retoric, that I am Intollerant, that I mis-inform people, that I believe in mob rule, nazi, phobic, they pity me, that they are praying for my soul, that I rant and rave, that I am repetitive, that I belong to the Aryan Nation, NAAWP, a White Supremacist and have no tolerance for people who are not white.

The very essence of government is fear, hate, bigotry, greed and jealously. Government/law are all these factors backed up by threats and violence. Because after any words/phrases have been twisted over and over, the brainwashed can not accept the true meaning even after they know what it is.

They say I have hate in my heart. I don't understand the Jews or the Blacks and their problems, such as being rejected by everyone they are the post persecuted people on earth, that the Whites do not understand their poverty and strife.

They say they have been abused and enslaved by us terrible white people and I should be more understanding. Everyone else is to blame for their situation. They carry no personal responsibility for their own generated dilemma. Facts for you liberal / socialist / democrats to chew on: Since the early 60's the government has been practicing your liberal plan for the negro. Has this agenda worked? Has the practice of throwing money at them and putting guilt on the white man made everything better?

They say first hand knowledge is the best teacher. Ask those that have been in the trenches / the front line if you want real intell. "Trust not the generals" said Napolean, "For they will say anything to please you!"

It has been told to me that 80% of all negro males between the ages of 14 and 25 are either in jail, awaiting trial, are on probation, or have a felony criminal record. (Buchanan for president campaign literature)

The negro makes up only 12% to 14% of the total US population. If half of this percentage are female; that leaves 6% to 7% of this population male.

The 1996 FBI crime statistics demonstrate that 85% of all violent crime is committed by young negro males. Of this 6% negro male population -- how many are young? Would it be safe to assume that only 2% of the total population of this country is committing all the violent crimes?� Stop parroting the party line of your Marxist leaders! I know that is easier to call me all the above listed labels; and much more difficult to address the truth.

No I am none of the names above, I am a person that faces the facts of life direcly and make no excuses because of poverty and ignorance. It does not take intelligence to know that to kill, rob, murder, plunder, and etc., is wrong. But it does take some intelligence to face the facts of life and not live in a dream world that does not exist.

��������������������������� The Non History of The Blacks

The record of Blacks in South Africa, who have been ruling that country since their President DeKlerk betrayed his people, has been so appalling that even Mrs. DeKlerk, the wife of the treacherous deputy president, that she has been quoted as saying, "The Blacks are not capable of ruling a country." Which is demonstrably true, but the reason is not, as the liberals would claim, a lack of education or an unfavorable environment. It is purely and simply a matter of mental inadequacy.

As W.G. Simpson has pointed out in his book, "Which Way, Western Man?" the Negro has never developed a significant culture anywhere, at any time. Tom Anderson sums up Black history: "Despite what you have been told, Negro history has not been obliterated. There wasn't any. During the past 5,000 years, the history of Black Africa is blank. Not just here. Everywhere. Until other races arrived, there was no literate civilization south of the Sahara. The black African had not invented a plough; a wheel; domesticated an animal; or a crop. He had no written language; no literature whatever; no numerals or calendar; or system of measurements."

The reason for this is purely biological and the proof has been given by scientists who have examined the brains of Africans and found that the supregranular layer of the frontal cortex is about 14% thinner than that of the White man. That is the area of the brain that is concerned with will, intellect, self-control and the capacity to maintain and create a civilization. It controls the ability to organize, plan and execute the elements that produce a stable government, a healthy economy and fiscal responsibility.

In has also been observed that when the Blacks are exposed to a higher culture over a period of time, they generally lagged behind the general level and their contributions have been few and of secondary order.

Judging by the immediate results in the Republic of South Africa, we would say that the contribution of the Blacks has been decidedly retroactive.� In South Africa today the pressure to integrate the White with the Blacks is becoming more and more evident in their television programs.

Letters from South Africa relate that it is customary to see beautiful blondes cuddling up to and killing the Blacks. Of course, race mixing has long been an obsession of the Jews and is promoted throughout the Western world, in their never ending efforts to destroy our Israelite people. Most of Europe and England are suffering along with America from this assault by the Jews and their colored hordes. The expected result of this general and official policy is mongrelization because a mongrelized population is easier to control.

In his book, Mr. Sparks claims that under Mandela's leadership, the ANC came to power without any outside help! He has the unmitigated gall to compare the ANC Blacks with the heroes of the American revolution in their struggle for independence. He praises the White and the Jewish collaborators as ardent patriots who lead a multi-cultural vanguard which will become an example of racial harmony for the rest of the African continent! It takes one's breath away, at the audacity of the man.

The question persists, however; How could a stable, prosperous and highly industrialized country such as South Africa vote itself voluntarily into Black rule? The answer is that it didn't. It was irresistible force from the outside that compelled its surrender. In South Africa the well-informed agree that this pressure came from the U.S. State Department. It can be added that the force behind that pressure was Jewish; it was allied by the same Jews who have penetrated every aspect of our lives during this century.

The two men chosen for this despicable job were Herman Cohen and Chester Crocker, with Henry Kissinger and Lord� Carrington; lurking in the background. Kissinger, Carrington and Crocker had been instrumental in turning the gallant little nation of Rhodesia over to Black Communist rule in 1980.

Crocker had, behind his poncy, Foggy Bottom mustache, sneered at the murdered AWB men as they lay in pools of their own blood, calling them "barbecue commandoes." He knew how close it had been, how his carefully laid plans could have come unstick if the Whites' planning had been just a little better in Bophuthatswana. His hatred for Whites is total.

Chester Crocker is a caricature of our Jewish/homosexual; run Department of State. After Rhodesia, the South Africans knew what America wanted. America wanted South African Whites to die. The two massive military airfields in Botswana, the fortress of a U.S. embassy in Pretoria, CIA spies everywhere-added to the saturation bombing of Iraq (for what?) the message was clear.

The country itself had been softened up by two decades of Judaic demoralization in government and the church and the media. There was no other country to which South Africa could turn. It was made to appear pointless to resist. The masters of deceit had won again in a relatively bloodless takeover, if you discount the thousands of Africans who had been slaughtered. The once strong, brave Whites lost little blood but nevertheless voted for their own destruction.

Now it's our turn, will we Americans do the same thing? Maybe not, since there are so many more of us and among these great numbers are those who have learned from others' mistakes. Americans, too, are different from White South Africans in that we have become pretty disenchanted and cynical with regard to our government. And above all, Jews fear American opinion.

The Jews know that if Americans ever learn the truth about the Jews and turn on them it will be much worse for them than what actually happened to Jews during World War II, and we are not talking about the great HoloHoax, which is pure Jewish fantasy to allow them to steal billions of dollars from Germany.

We must go back in history to understand how this Jewish problem came about. Most Jews with whom we are confronted today are Ashkenazim. They or their parents or grandparents come not from Palestine but from Russia, Poland and Lithuania. They are not Semitic but rather Oriental. They were originally known as Khazars. The Khazars ruled a large kingdom in southern Russia in the eighth century. The Khazars were a mixed breed of Turk and nomadic Asiatic tribes, first appearing about the middle of the fifth century as a people under Hunnish sovereignty and were regarded, together with the Magyars and other tribes, as a later offspring of Attila's horde.

The Khazars were originally pagan and were confronted by the great Muslim onslaught as well as by the Eastern Roman Empire in Byzantium. They were pressured by both to convert to Islam and Christianity respectively and actually did both for brief periods before finally converting to Judaism around A.D. 70. According to the Jewish version, the king summoned representatives of both the Roman Emperor and the Caliph of Baghdad and heard their arguments for conversion.

The king had the inevitable Jewish advisor, who suggested ask the Christian, "Who is closer to your belief, the Jew or the Muslim?" (And of course the Christian knowing nothing of the Jewish religion) said, "The Jew." He did the same with the Muslim, who also answered, "The Jew."

The king then announced his kingdom's conversion to Judaism. This was believed to have been a neutralist, diplomatic maneuver! The Arab version is similar except the Muslim never got to answer the question. In this version, the Jewish advisor had the Muslim representative poisoned before he could see the King. (For a close look at this perplexing question of Jewish identity, see Arthur Koestler, "The Thirteenth Tribe," New York, 1976 and "Khazars," Encyclopedia Britannica).

The kingdom of Khazaria was almost all-powerful in its region north of the Caucasus Mountains, Between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. Then Khazaria was defeated by the invading Varangians (Israelites), a Scandinavian people, and many of the Khazars fled westward. (The kingdom was finally erased by Genghis Khan's Golden Horde in the middle of the thirteenth century). The Jewish refugees from Khazaria settled mainly in what is now Poland and Lithuania. As a wandering tribe they found hospitality among the European nations and were welcomed in England. They became known simply as Jews, taken somewhat mistakenly from the tribe of Judah. They fit the self-absorbed, self-destructive identity of the Old Testament people but they are truly a Talmudic people from Western Asia.

The Jews soon became a hated people wherever they went and not only for their practice of usury. A persistent accusation in every country wherein they settled was that they had a ritual of slaughtering Christian children and draining their blood as an ingredient in their "religious" food. They were accused of deliberately poisoning wells with plague-infested corpses and thereby spreading the great Black Death in 1348-1350 which wiped out one-third to two-thirds of Europe's population. (They certainly did poison well during their Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia and their Zionist seizure of power in Palestine during World War II and the years following until 1948).

����� They were eventually expelled from every country in Europe, including England;� Except the United States and there is not much doubt that some day America will realize just how much the Jews despise and loth them; and they too will rise up and drive them out. Expulsions of Jews from Host Nations: 1). A.D. 250, Carthage; 2). 415, Alexandria; 3). 554, Diocese of Clement (France); 4). 561, Diocese of Uzzes (France); 5). 612, Visigoth Spain; 6). 642, Visigoth Empire; 7). 855, Italy; 8). 876, Sens; 9). 1012, Mayence; 10). 1181, France; 11). 1290, England; 12). 1306, France; 13). 1348, Switzerland; 14). 1349, Hielbronn (Germany); 15). 1349, Hungary; 16). 1388, Strasbourg; 17). 1394, Germany; 18). 1394, France; 19). 1422, Austria; 20). 1424, Fribourg & Zurich; 21). 1426, Cologne; 22). 1432, Savory; 23). 1438, Mainz; 24). 1439, Augsburg; 25). 1446, Bavaria; 26). 1453, Franconis; 27). 1453, Breslau; 28). 1454, Wurzburg; 29). 1485, Vincenza (Italy); 30). 1492, Spain; 31). 1495, Lithuania; 32). 1497, Portugal; 33). 1499, Germany; 34). 1514, Strasbourg; 35). 1519, Regensburg; 36). 1540, Naples; 37). 1542, Bohemia; 38). 1550, Genoa; 39). 1551, Bavaria; 40). 1555, Pesaro; 41). 1559, Austria; 42). 1561, Prague; 43). 1567, Wurzburg, Genoese Republic; 44). 1569, Papal States; 45). 1571, Brandenburg; 46). 1582, Netherlands; 47). 1593, Brandenburg, Austria; 48). 1597, Cremona, Pavia & Lodi; 49). 1614, Frankfort; 50). 1615, Worms; 51). 1619, Kiev; 52). 1649, Ukraine; 53). 1654, LittleRussia; 54). 1656, Lithuania; 55). 1669, Oran (North Africa); 56). 1670, Vienna; 57). 1712, Sandomir; 58). 1727, Russia; 59). 1738, Wurtemburg; 60). 1740, LittleRussia; 61). 1744, Bohemia; 62). 1744, Livonia; 63). 1745, Moravia; 64). 1753, Kovad (Lithuania); 65). 1761, Bordeaux; 66). 1772, Jews deported to the Pale of Settlement (Russia); 67). 1775, Warsaw; 68). 1789, Alace; 69). 1804, Villages in Russia; 70). 1808, Villages & Countrysides (Russia); 71). 1815, Lubeck & Bremen; 72). 1815, Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria; 73). 1820, Bremes; 74). 1843, Russian Border Austria & Prussia; 75). 1862, Area in the U.S. under Grant's Jurisdiction; 76). 1866, Galatz, Romania; 77). 1919, Bavaria (foreign born Jews); 78). 1938-45, Nazi Controlled Areas; 79). 1948, Arab Countries.

However, their ability to amass money, to manipulate loans to the warmongering leaders of the West who desperately needed funds for their adventures, brought them back into favor. The British were more obstinate but again, money prevailed when, in the sixteenth century, the Jews financed Cromwell on the conditions that the Jews who had eluded the mass deportation could stay and that more could move in.

Imperial Russia in 1792 confined most of her Jews, roughly five million of them, to an area stretching from Poland to Ukraine known as the Pale of Settlement. Approximately 200,000 privileged Jews were allowed to remain beyond the Pale.

The Diaspora (dispersed) Jews profited by their experiences until by the eighteenth century they were so well established that there was no longer, except in Russia, any danger of deportation. The Rothschild family, Amschel and his four sons, had prospered so mightily from their financial transactions with the needy governments, rulers and nobility that they could create revolutions and back both sides of the various political and religious wars that raged over Europe and England during that period.

The term "protocols" means in our discussion a draft of a plan of action by the Jewish leaders. There have been many such drafts at different periods in Jewish history since the dispersion, but few of them have gone into general circulation. One notorious example is the response to the chief rabbi of Spain by the Grand Sanhedrin in Constantinople in 1492, following the general expulsion of Jews by Ferdinand. The Grand Satraps and Rabbis issued (condensed) six-point protocol for Jews who wished to remain in Spain:

1). Convert to Christianity;

2). Become merchants and take the Christians' property from them;

3). Become doctors and apothecaries and kill Christians medically;

4). Become priests and destroy the Church from within;

5). Become lawyers, mix in affairs of State and by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world ����� �����and be avenged;

6). Do not swerve from this order and you will reach the actuality of power.

In the late eighteenth century a Jewish/Masonic blueprint for world government was discovered by the Bavarian police. This chance discovery led to the exposure and suppression of the Illuminati. Copies of these protocols were sent to Western Governments but were dismissed as extremist ravings.

One wise American, Benjamin Franklin, working with his colleagues on framing the American Constitution, gave them a prophetic warning on the subject of the Jew. His speech to the delegates at the convention was taken down by General Charles Pinckney, who kept a record of the speeches given by the delegates in his diary. This diary was on display at the Franklin Museum in Philadelphia until it mysteriously disappeared around the year 1900.

However, Mr. G.L.K. Smith has a letter from Mrs. M. Dingley, who says that she and her mother saw the Pinckney diary in the museum and they copied Franklin's speech from it. This is the full text as published by Smith: "For over 1700 years the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled form their homeland, as they call Palestine. But, gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple they would find at once some cogent reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires and vampires cannot live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.

If you do not exclude them from these United States, in this Constitution, in less than 200 years they will have swarmed in such numbers that they will dominate and devour the land and change our form of government for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance, and jeopardized our liberty. 'If you do not exclude them in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them substance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves.

Jews, gentlemen, are Asiatics. Let them be where they will or how they will or how many generations they have been away from Asia, they will never otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American's, and will not even though they lie among us for ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots. Jews are Asiatics, are a menace to this country if permitted entrance, and should be excluded by this Constitution.'"

The twenty-four protocols which concern us now were obtained in the French language from the Jewish Freemasonic "Mizraim" Lodge in Paris in 1884, translated into Russian and delivered to General Cherevin, the Russian Interior Minister.

Cherevin suppressed the documents until his death in 1896, when they were included in his memoirs and willed to Nicholas II. In 1897 Jewish members of the Russian police obtained the alleged minutes of the Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, chaired by Dr. Theodore Herzl that year. These minutes were found to correspond with the French protocols. The Protocols as we know them are so terrible, so cruel and so convincing as to their origins that a reading of them creates fear and loathing of the obvious authors. Jewish spokesmen began immediately an attempt to discredit the documents as forgeries (forgeries of an original?) and then as a plagiarism of Maurice Joly's 1865 anti-Napoleon book, "Dialogues aux Enfers entre Machiavelli et Montesquieu. The Jewish spin doctors neglected to mention that Joly based his book on an 1850 book by Jacob Venedey entitled, "Machiavelli, Montesquieu & Rousseau." Joly and his Jewish friend, Venedey, were associated with Karl Marx, Adolphe Cremieux and other revolutionary Jewish Freemasons in the Alliance Israelite.

Both Joly's and Venedey's books can be traced to "The Prince by Machiavelli and L'Esprit des Lois" by Montesquieu. What difference does it make? If we were to conduct a campaign of resistance which was based on a novel such as "The Turner Diaries," the only thing that mattered would be the physical actions of that campaign. The fact that the campaign was based on the novel might be interesting-but only results count. The Protocols described not only results which the Jews had achieved up through the late nineteenth century but goals which they would accomplish twenty years later in Russia and then in Eastern and Central Europe. They also describe how Jews have seized control of life as we know it in the United States and the British Empire.

In Bolshevik Russia the penalty for "anti-Semitism" was death. Sergius Nilus, who originally published them in Russia in 1901, was arrested by the Bolsheviks, tortured and sent into internal exile where he died. To be in possession of the Protocols of Zion was to be shot on sight. This proves how revealing of the Jewish program are the Protocols, the program being an eventual world government with Jews in total power . To read them is to understand the enemy within.

The Jewish Question has been asked for centuries: Who is the Jew? How does he get into positions of power everywhere? Who puts him there? What does he do there? And there is also the great question of Jewish identity. Koestler certainly explodes the myth of the Khazar/Ashkenaz Jews being the "Chosen People" of the Old Testament. Thanks to him, the tern "anti-Semitism" has lost its meaning and power. (Willie Martin, has gone a step further and used Jewish writings to trace them back to Japeth the third son of Noah) The artificial state of Israel, ruled by Ashkenaz Jews from Poland and Russia, is not just a nation of parasites- it is a fraud. With American and British complicity it usurped Palestine from the Palestinians and has waged military and psychological warfare against its Semitic neighbors unceasingly for fifty years. Israel is anti-Semitic!

But there is yet another question which Koestler does not answer with regard to the amazing similarity between Sephardic Jews and Ashkenaz Jews, who are in no way related. The Sephardic Jews are those who migrated from Judea to Spain and lived there for more than a thousand years until most were expelled in 1492, and those who pretended to convert; the Marranos. Look at Bernard M. Baruch, the Jew who seized control of the American economy during and after World War I and then during World War II and beyond. (The Jew Dwight Eisenhower, in his memoirs, remarked, "The smartest thing I ever did was ask Bernard Baruch for advice on my military career in 1939")

Baruch was a Sephardic Jew. He was allowed first by someone and then by Congress to enrich himself while in government service almost beyond comprehension. He was an agent of the Sanhedrin which we see in the Old Testament, the New Testament, in Khazaria, Bavaria, the Southern Confederacy, right through to the office of every president, senator and congressman in this country's modern history.

The actions of Baruch the Sephardic Jew are identical to those of Kissinger the Ashkenaz which are identical to those of Judah Benjamin the Sephardic. These are in turn identical to those of the hundreds of Ashkenazim whom Clinton has appointed to the highest positions in his administration. The question remains: How could these strange people from Russia emulate; mimic exactly those same Edomite Jews who screamed, "Crucify him, crucify him!?" It is a puzzlement. They are linked by the Talmud, of course. This leads to the subjects of programming and reprogramming. If a Gentile can be programmed to be a Jew, can a Jew be reprogrammed to be a human being?

It is now 200 years since Franklin gave his prophetic warning and the Jews are in total control of our government and mass media. If someone doesn't believe this, there is a simple test: Try to find an article critical of Jews in any establishment outlet. Try to find a television documentary which shows how the Jews got "confessions" out of Germans in the Nuremberg Trials. Try to find a discussion on the TV talk shows about the numbers of Jews in Clinton's administration. Try to find a movie or television program or a novel which puts a Jew in the role of villain. Most fictional villains are blonde and blue-eyed.

As for our government, again, most of Clinton's appointees to high office are Jews and/or homosexuals such as Janet Reno, the lesbian who gave the orders to incinerate Christian men, women and children in Waco, Texas. Their guilt? They were "supposed" to be harboring illegal weapons, though none was found by the ADL-directed federal thugs who carried out the murderous assault. This was government terrorism inconceivable in the America we used to know. Yet that is not really true because in 1932 the following took place in Washington, D.C.

You say it can't happen here! Well it has already happened in America. The following article written by Neal Knox and published in Guns & Ammo Magazine, September 1989 issue, p. 32: "It was clear that all the government had to do was wait. The multitudes of demonstrators in the immense government square had shrunk to a few thousand, and more were drifting away every day.

But the hardliners were determined that the demonstrators shouldn't escape unscathed; such protests could lead to open rebellion and violent revolution‑like the one that had created the present government. With the heads of government divided and wavering, the Army decided to act. Obeying the orders of the president, the commanding general of the army lined up his forces facing the demonstrators and ordered them to disperse. The demonstrators didn't think the Army would attack. It did. Tanks rolled into and across the demonstrators' ramshackle huts. Marching soldiers with fixed bayonets and assault rifles and tear gas followed the tanks, clubbing, bayoneting and shooting those assembled.

��� The Army later said the demonstrators rioted; the general claimed armed soldiers were attacked. Many of the demonstrators were wounded; the number who died will never be known ‑ the government claimed it was only one. The commanding general declared that the demonstrators were driven by 'the essence of revolution,' and that it was 'beyond the shadow of a doubt' that the demonstrators had been about to seize control of the government.

��� The commander was Gen. Douglas MacArthur.

��� The place was Washington, D.C., not Beijing.

��� The date was 1932, not 1989.

��� The 'assault rifles' were bolt‑action Springfield Model 1903s, not AK‑47s. The peaceful demonstrators weren't students in Tiananmen Square demanding the equivalent of our First Amendment rights of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and the right to petition the government for grievances. The demonstrators on the Washington mall and nearby Anacostia already had those rights; their problem was that they used them. They were Americans ‑ World War I veterans, thrown out of work by the Great Depression (created by the Federal Reserve), lobbying for government to immediately pay their promised Veteran's Bonus.

��� No, the attack on the Bonus Marchers, bad as it was, wasn't the brutal mass murder unleashed upon the students in Beijing. The American people wouldn't have tolerated it ‑ and had the means to stop it. What happened at Tiananmen Square was the kind of ruthless tyranny that has occurred in other lands throughout history, and is precisely what the Founding Fathers feared might be done by the powerful central government they were creating under the United States Constitution. That's why the people refused to ratify that Constitution until it was amended to guarantee certain individual freedoms known today as the Bill of Rights.

That's why the First Amendment guarantees of speech, assembly and petitioning the government were backed up by the Second Amendment guarantee that the right of the people to keep and bear arms was not to be infringed. And when, during debate on the amendment, some senators attempted to limit the right to apply only to 'the common defense' which is what some people today say it is, the Senate rejected it. That piece of 'legislative history' clearly shows that the Second Amendment was intended to be an individual right; not merely a 'collective right' of states to have militia. But don't tell me it can't happen here ‑‑ because it has already happened here!"

Reno labeled them a dangerous religious cult that abused children. Reno burned the children to keep them from being abused, and we now know that the abuse charges were fabricated. CBS News reported through a "Sunday Morning" producer named Bernstein that thanks to modern computers it is now possible to interpolate segments of the tattered Dead Sea Scrolls.

It is also now possible to interpret other obscured writings, such as those on a fifteen-inch pear, shaped stone obelisk found in Jordan. This has resulted in a "bombshell," according to the Bernstein report. Until now it was believed that "Moloch" was an ancient, evil Hebrew god who demanded the sacrifice of children by burning them. The computer-aided translation has revealed that "Moloch" was Not a Hebrew god but was rather the Hebrew word for the Hebrew practice of sacrificing their first-born children for "religious reasons." The Jews interviewed by CBS were concerned that among other things, the story of the Passover must be re-examined.

The Davidian sect's real crime was that they had been falsely flying the Star of David and converting Jews to their form of Christianity. The citizens of Waco found the members to be peaceful and cooperative. The Judaic cult to which Janet Reno pays allegiance exhorts its members to leave nothing alive following a successful attack on an enemy.

Is this an ancient, outdated command, no longer in vogue? What abut Eisenhower's conduct of World War II and its aftermath? The deliberate starvation of 1 million German solders, and operation Keelhaul which sent thousands of Polish, Russian, and other citizens back to Russia to be burned in cattle cars, and sent to Siberia for slave labor. What about the attack by the Jews on Deir Yassin, Palestine?

They left nothing alive that breathed, all the dogs, cats, pigs, goats, cattle; everything breathing was killed! That was in 1948. That was when the Palestinians fled Palestine. They recognized the Talmudic exhortation, and that they could expect no help from the English or the Americans.

The same Judaic FBI killer team that burned the Waco church and its members were fresh from another Talmudic operation in Idaho. First the family dog and little boy were shot and killed form behind by U.S. marshals who were directed by Jewish government psychiatrists. Then professional FBI assassin were brought in to finish the job. All adults were to be shot by the assassin, one of which was the mother holding her nursing infant daughter. She died quickly with a bullet through the head. The men were lucky to survive their wounds.

Their crime? They believed in apartheid, the separation from the Judaized America. The husband had sold two shotguns with barrels technically shorter than "the law" allows. For this the whole family was slated for death by bullets and/or fire. The death squad attempted to drop Diesel fuel from a helicopter and incinerate them in their remote mountain cabin but there were just too many witnesses. The husband was eventually acquitted in a multi-million dollar federal trial and awarded over three million dollars for his troubles.

If, two or three generations ago, one had tried to tell this true story of Randy Weaver they would have been taken to the nearest asylum. The stark truth is that we are not the same people we were two or three generations ago. We are a wishywashy, unthinking herd of sheep that sit in front of our television sets and watch people shoot each other and blow up buildings and cars in beautiful clouds of flame and smoke or we listen to solemn pundits earnestly discussing the present situation but carefully avoiding the fact. The Jews call us goyim; cattle. We're the cows and they're the cowboys. Our main interests seem to be our jobs, our investments and our plans for retirement usually in a remote area well away from the rat race that earning a living has become these days.

Americans are about to join South Africa and other victim nations in the New World Order, or Jewish World Government. What it amounts to is the brutally dictatorial money oligarchy run by Jews and the aggregations of capital invested in multi-national companies and oil interests. Preparations have already been made to deal with potential dissidents, along the lines of Waco and those measures employed by Israelis against Palestinians.

The only thing that stands between us and them is the emergence of the militia movement made up of men who are grimly determined to resist our ultimate Judaization. Many of them don't even k ow whom they are resisting! Many of these brave men would be shocked to find that they are preparing to fight the forces of a dreadful future at the behest of Almighty God against such as that which has engulfed South Africa, guided by a frightening document known as the Protocols of the Meeting of the Learned Elders of Zion.

The Jewish enemy can be defeated. First, fall on your knees and cry out to God for forgiveness of your sins, repent and seek Him in all your actions, and be Baptized for the remission of your sins, and then read the Protocols. Second speak out and inform others. Remain calm but understand the gravity of our situation and make others understand it, too. Third, always think in terms of victory over evil rather than in terms of defeat. The Jews wage psychological warfare and that depends on our ignorance of their goals. Study the Protocols and the Jews will be disarmed. As long as we are knowledgeable, alert, worship God in truth and righteousness, remain alert and mentally tough, we cannot be defeated for God will save us.

One Would think the Christians would finally realize: All Missionary programs designed to take the White Man's Religion and his book ‑ The Holy Bible ‑ and his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ to the non‑white races is pure blasphemy before Almighty God! Moreover, this is proven by the record of history which shows that (Genesis 5:1‑2) it has been tested and proven by centuries of historical development (the slaughter of the Missionaries recently by the blacks in Africa is what happens all too many times when White Men mistakenly take Christianity to them).

Christianity has been carried in the genes of the White Anglo‑ Saxons since his creation, almost six thousand years ago. Wherever the White Man has wondered over the earth, he has taken his book (his family history) the Holy Bible (the foundation of his faith) with him! With a study of history it will be found: Christianity thrives only in those areas of the world where the White Man lives. And to brand this presentation as Racist, as many will do, is only to deny the Truth being presented.

����������������� Christianity - Religion Of The West

The observed and verifiable facts of the world about us are not affected by religious faith or the lack of faith. Christians must find themselves in perfect agreement when they affirm that lead is more malleable than steel, that the earth is an oblate spheroid rotating on its axis, that whales are mammals, that Germany was defeated and devastated by the many nations allied against her in 1945, and that the Chinese are Mongolians. About such matters there can be no dispute among Christian men, who instinctively accept the reality of the world about us and cannot believe, as do many Orientals, that it is merely an illusion in the mind of a dreamer.

If we are to salvage and restore our civilization ‑ the Occidental culture that is peculiarly our own and that now seems to be disintegrating and rotting before our very eyes, we must do so as White Christian men, by observing reality objectively and by reasoning from it dispassionately. And when we try to compute what resources remain to us, we need first of all to determine the actual strength of the Christian Traditions at the present time. Just as in our study of Elijah.

���������������� West and Christianity Synonymous

It is a fact, which Christians will regard with satisfaction and some atheists may deplore, that Western Civilization in the sense that the great majority of the people belonging to it (Although never, at any time, all of them) believed implicitly in the truth of the Christian Religion. That religious unanimity was for a long time so nearly complete that, after the fall of the Roman Empire and the evanescence of hopes for its restoration, we White Christians of the West regarded our religion as the bond that united us and distinguished us from the rest of the human species.

During the Middle Ages, our Anglo‑Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian and Celtic ancestors occupied the greater part of Europe, and, until they discovered the American Continents, they lived only in Europe, but despite that geographical unity, they did not generally refer to themselves as the Europeans.

For all practical purposes, furthermore, our ancestors belonged to the same division of the White Race: they, like the True Greeks and the True Romans before them, were all members of the great race that we not call Indo‑European or Aryan, but they hand in their languages no word to designate their blood relationship and biological unity, "...and thou (Israel ‑ the White Race) shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name." (Isaiah 62:2)

Isaiah again related: "...and call his servants (Israel ‑ the White Race) By Another Name." (Isaiah 65:15)

Hosea also relates: "...and they (Israel ‑ White Race) shall no more be remembered by their name." (Hosea 2:17)

Thus, when they referred to the unity of which they were always conscious as something transcending the constantly shifting territorial and political divisions of Europe, they called themselves Christendom.

"For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth." (Amos 9:9)

And for many centuries that word was adequate and misled no one. For many centuries the West was Christendom and its White Civilization was indubitably Christian: that, whether you like it or not, is an historical fact. There is a complementary historical fact that was less obvious at the time and that even thoughtful men overlooked or tried to ignore until the events of the past few decades have made it indubitable: Christianity is a Religion of the West, and, for all practical purposes, only of the West.

It is not, as its polemical adversaries so often charge, a Semitic cult, for it is an adhesion of a considerable number of Semites, and it is not, as Christians once generally believed, a universal religion, for experience has now proven, Christianity cannot be successfully exported to populations that are not Indo-European.

������������������ Established Facts Are Undeniable

Experience has also proven that it does not do the slightest good to deny ascertained facts. The men of Classical antiquity knew, of course, that the earth was spherical, and Eratosthenes in the third century B.C. calculated its circumference as 24,663 miles. But the early Fathers of the Church, living in the age of growing ignorance that shrouded the last century of the Roman Empire, decided, on the basis of some statements in the Old Testament that the earth ought to be flat, or, at least, no more curved than a shield. Lactantius was the most eloquent and probably, therefore, the most influential of many who assiduously demanded that the earth be flat and so imposed on their contemporaries the conviction that it was.

In the Middle Ages, to be sure, there were some learned men, such as Buridan, who knew that the globe is a globe, but they, like Learned men today, know very well that talk about the Equality of The Races is Utter Nonsense, usually refrained from publicly denouncing fashionable delusions.

It was not until the Fifteenth Century that the truth became again inescapable, but when it did, the White Christians, being men of the West, who do not deny the lessons of experience, surrendered the comfortable error in which they had once generally believed; and since that time, no rational White Christian has doubted that the earth is spherical.

����������������� Western Civilization Unexportable

Today, as in the Fifteenth Century, Western men have had to discard a congenial assumption to bring their conception of the world into conformity with observed reality. So long as we of the West held unquestioned dominion over the whole earth, we permitted ourselves to assume that our civilization is general, and our religion in particular, could be exported and made universal.

We did not sufficiently observe that talent for mimicry is common to all human beings and indeed to all anthropoids; that all human beings stand in awe of those who have power over them; and that a genius for dissimulation and hypocrisy is hereditary in the most intelligent of men.

Even with these oversights, the evidence against our assumption was fairly clear, but in the pride of our power we felt that we could indulge an assumption that was so congenial to the romantic generosity that is a peculiarity of our White Race. But the events of the past have shown us, beyond peradventure of doubt, the shape of the world in which we live. We now know what our prolonged missionary effort, cultural as well as religious, accomplished ‑ and how its visible effects were produced.

������������������������ Transformation By Cannon

When Cortez and his small but valiant band of iron men conquered the teeming empire of the Aztecs, he was immediately followed by a train of earnest missionaries, chiefly Franciscans, who began to preach the Gospel to the natives and soon sent home, with naive enthusiasm, glowing accounts of the conversions they had effected. Their pious sincerity and innocent joy still lives in the pages of Father Shagun, Father Torquemada, and many others.

Far, far more persuasive than their sermons and their book had been the Spanish cannon that breached and shattered the Aztec defenses, and the ruthless Spanish soldiers who slew the Aztec priests at their altars and toppled the Aztec idols from the sacrificial pyramids. The Aztecs, Tepanecs, and other natives accepted Christianity, not because their hearts were touched by alien and incomprehensible doctrines of love and mercy, but because it was the religion of the White Men whose bronze cannon and mailclad warriors were invincible.

�������������������������� Military Force - Not Love

That was early in the Sixteenth Century and even then there were not wanting indications that should have given pause to a critical mind, but we of the West went on repeating that fond mistake for four centuries, as the missionaries whom we sent to all parts of the world wrote home glowing reports of the number of "hearts" they had "won for Christ." It was only after our enemies' campaign of "anti‑colonialism" really got under way that most of us realized that what had won all those hearts was primarily the discipline of British regiments and the manifest power of the White Man.

We now know what happened. On many a shore of Africa, for example, missionaries eager to "win souls for Christ" ventured to land alone, and the aborigines, after mutilating and torturing them for a good communal laugh, ate them, cooked or raw according to the custom of the local cuisine. Usually, a few weeks or a few months later, a British cruiser hove to off shore and lobbed half a dozen 4.5 shells into the native village, and, if not pressed for time, landed half a company of marines to beat the bushes and drag out a dozen or so savages to hang on convenient trees.

Consequently the tribe, if not very obtuse, took the hint and respected the next bevy of missionaries as some how representing the god of thunder and lightning. And if the men of God distributed enough free rice and medical care with their sermons, they were able to make "converts," as the natives learned to utter the words that Christian Missionaries like to hear.

���������������������� White Missionaries Murdered

That is, in essence, the whole history of "winning souls" among the heathens: the non‑white races of the world. There were, of course, many local variations. If the first missionaries were preceded by troops or White Settlers, the Blacks had already been convinced of the virtues of Christian rifles and had learned White Men should not be regarded as esculent comestibles. It often happened, however, that the natives, even after many years of preaching and conversion, rejected the White Man's odd rites very emphatically, and a fresh supply of missionaries were needed.

In 1905, for example, the Maji‑Maji conspiracy in Tangnyika murdered all the missionaries and almost all the White Men and White Women in the entire territory, and it required a German regiment and several companies of marines to restore the teaching of the Gospel. That was done by giving some forty or fifty thousand demonstrations that a Mauser bullet could penetrate even a Black hide that had been carefully anointed with the grease of a boiled baby. This same scenario still happens today in Africa. As can be seen by carefully watching the newspaper stories.

However, the Christian Missionaries did teach a ritual and often inculcated a superstition that had some superficial substance of Christianity, but they might as well have followed the example of St. Francis and preached sermons to the birds. That is why the many, many thousands of devoted Christians who expended their whole lives to "save souls" built only an edifice of cardboard and tinsel that is now gone in the wind.

���� Christianity Is Bewildering To Primitive Natives

What the vanishing of that flimsy facade has made obvious was predictable from the first. The religion of the West has Never been comprehensible to the rudimentary minds of the Congoids, Capoids, and Australoids: races so primitive that they were incapable of inventing a wheel and even of using one without supervision races that could not develop for themselves even the first and simplest preliminaries of a civilization.

Even though they pre‑dated the Adamic White Man by thousands of years. When the missionaries invented systems of writing the crude languages of the primitives, they had also to invent words to express such concepts as "God," "soul," "justice," "morality," and "religion" invent them by either creating new words or by perverting to such meanings sounds in the native jargons conveyed impressions that were faintly and remotely analogous.

That fact alone should have made us think. It was clear, furthermore, that the so‑called "converts" even those who had been most thoroughly imbued with an awe of the god of repeating rifles and locomotives, would conform to the White Man's morality only under coercion, and that whenever they escaped from the White Man's supervision they "always" spontaneously reverted, not only to their own mores, but also to whatever form of voodoo they had practiced before the White Man came.

Even if earlier experience had not been conclusive, what happened in Haiti at the very beginning of the Nineteenth Century should have removed the last lingering doubt. But the missionaries did not learn, and the "Ladies' Missionary Society" went on contributing their mites, plying their needles, and glowing with tender emotion for the sweet little savages depicted by their romantic imaginations.

Although it is true that in some places in the former colonial possessions missionaries are still tolerated, if they are obsequious to the natives and pay very well, we have at last learned that the Gospel follows the British regiments in the White Man's ignominious and insane retreat from the world that was his. (By Revlo P. Oliver)

This study taken in part from a post by an unknown author.

Reference Materials